Srinagar, Nov 24: A one-week entrepreneurship skill development program on mushroom production by Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir for the unemployed youth and aspiring entrepreneurs of the district Budgam concluded on Friday.
The training, ‘Entrepreneurship development through mushroom production technology and its processing’ was organised by SKUAST-K’s Krishi Vikas Kendra Budgam under the sponsorship of the Union Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.
A total of 25 youth participated in the training aimed at educating the participants about potential career paths in mushroom production and its processing. Experts from KVK Budgam, SKUAST-K and the Department of Agriculture conducted the sessions.
Head, KVK, Budgam, Dr Bilal Ahmad Lone, highlighted the importance of women empowerment through skill-based training programs particularly Mushroom production since it requires low capital investment and can be conveniently carried out within homesteads. Dr Vaseem Yousuf, Training Coordinator, designed a comprehensive program that included all the aspects of mushroom production technology, particularly demonstrations on spawning and casing of Button and Dingri Mushroom, processing and value addition of mushrooms, health benefits and nutritional value of mushrooms among others. An exposure visit to KVK Budgam Farm was also undertaken. The participants were highly satisfied and desired that more such diverse programmes should be conducted for this area.
SKUAST-K holds skill training on mushroom production in Budgam

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