In a tragic incident, a residential house located in Oriel Kund in South Kashmir’s Kulgam district was severely damaged by a fire that broke out at midnight on Thursday.
An official said, the fire engulfed a residential house at around 1 am and caused significant damage to it.
He said, the house, owned by Mohd Ashraf Chowhan, son of Mohd Ismail Chowhan from the same village, suffered extensive damage to its roofing, ceilings, windows, and doors.
“The preliminary investigations point towards a short circuit as the cause of the fire,” he said.
He said, that while the estimated value of the property was approximately 20 lakhs, fortunately, due to prompt response and efforts of locals and fire and emergency services, about 16 lakhs worth of property was saved. Unfortunately, around 4 lakhs worth of belongings were lost in the blaze.