Jammu, Aug 24: The 19th annual general body meeting of the ‘Jammu & Kashmir Milk Producers’ Cooperative Limited (JKMPCL)’ was held earlier this week at Teachers Bhawan Gandhinagar Jammu under the Chairmanship of A. K. Angurana, IAS (Retd.), Chairman, Board of JKMPCL.
Jayen Mehta, Managing Director GCMMF Ltd, Elected Board Directors of JKMPCL along with 211 chairmen and members of Village Dairy Cooperative Societies from Jammu and Kashmir attended the meeting.
The chairman while addressing the general body extended his felicitations to the participating members and said, “JKMPCL has emerged as the apex dairy cooperative organization of J&K, empowering thousands of milk producers by supporting their livelihoods, along with ensuring consistent supply of quality milk and milk products to our valued consumers.”
“JKMPCL’s success story would not have been possible without the unwavering support and dedication of our farmer-members, the visionary leadership from GCMMF (Amul), and the trust and faith bestowed upon us by our shareholders (i.e., village-level dairy cooperatives associated with JKMPCL) and certainly the hard work and perseverance of our employees,” he said.
Angurana said he is proud of the collective accomplishments of JKMPCL. “We have witnessed consistent growth in the milk procurement, processing capacity and market presence. It merits a mention that during the last year, despite disruptive situation due to eruption of Lumpy Skin Disease among the cattle, we have achieved 19% growth in sales turnover and for the first time JKMPCL crossed Rs 270 crore turnover,” he said.
He said JKMPCL initiated a program for the distribution of free medicines to combat the eruption of Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) which affected thousands of cattle across Jammu and Kashmir. Recognizing the importance of tackling the situation of LSD eruption, JKMPCL took the timely initiative to provide more than 12.5 lakh free medicines to assist our farmer-members to contain the epidemic of Lumpy Skin Disease and salvage the farmers from heavy economic losses. During the year 2022-23, JKMPCL also managed to distribute around 1 lakh medicine for deworming of cattle among the milk producing farmers.
During the year 2022-23, numerous training programs were organized by JKMPCL for the milk producing farmers. Till date, around 30 batches comprising more than 1500 farmer-members including women members from both the divisions have been sent to NDDB Jalandhar for the training.
Jayen Mehta, Managing Director GCMMF said, “Since its inception, the organization has made substantial progress in the fields of procurement, processing and marketing of milk along with ensuring remunerative prices to our milk producers and customer satisfaction. JKMPCL has become an ideal example of dairy development through cooperative model on ‘Amul Pattern’ in Jammu & Kashmir.”