Chenani, May 10: Former minister and state president JKNPP Harsh Dev Singh on Wednesday said that a democratically-elected government alone was the panacea for the ills afflicting the Centrally-ruled UT of J&K.
He accused the present regime of its indifference and neglect of the common masses who he said are facing denial of even the basic amenities, both in urban and rural areas.
“The babus requisitioned from other states had hardly any idea about the peculiar problems of the UT’s diversities and had failed to satisfy the urges of the people. The common masses had hardly any access to the babus operating from their cocooned chambers,” Dev said.
According to a party statement issued here, Singh made these remarks while touring various villages of the Chenani constituency including Bali, Morh, Toldi, Nala, etc to take stock of people’s problems in the area.
“While the frequent power outages and acute drinking water problems had made the lives of people a living hell, the helmsmen seemed to be least bothered about the sufferings of the public,” he said, adding, “Not only was the common man annoyed over the administrative apathy towards their basic concerns but varied sections of society had expressed their disapproval with the proxy rule of the Centre.”
Harsh Dev said the people in the rural areas in particular were the worst victims of “government apathy” with none to respond to their shrill cries for justice. “Deprived of proper connectivity and communication, the people residing in several remote and far-flung areas had lost contact with the civilized world due to roadblocks and disruption of traffic on damaged roads for months together. Sadly there were no takers for even the staff deficient and defunct schools thereby jeopardizing the careers of rural students,” he said.
Popular govt only remedy for ills afflicting J&K: Harsh Dev

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