Srinagar, June 04: The Agro field unit Srinagar, agro unit SKUAST-K and Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued fresh advisory regarding paddy transplantation and other allied activities advising precautionary measures for farmers to avoid losses.
Regarding nursery raising of paddy, the advisory suggested farmers keep the nursery free from weeds and the area should have adequate irrigation and drainage facilities.
“Cover the nursery with polythene in the form of a low poly tunnel with the help of willow stacks to protect it from chilling injury,” it said.
The advisory has suggested farmers use ponded water instead of running water in the nursery beds to avoid chilling injury. “Apply urea @ 250 g/marla two days before expecting uprooting in order to have healthy seedlings as it avoids transplanting shock,” it said.
Regarding transplantation of paddy, the advisory suggested transplanting 30 days old, healthy seedlings (about 20 cm tall) grown in traditional nursery or 25 days old grown under protected nursery conditions.
“Transplant 2-3 seedlings per hill at a spacing of 15x15cm. For better tillering shallow transplanting should be adopted,” it said. It also advised farmers to avoid root damage to seedlings during uprooting and wilting of seedlings after uprooting.
“Gap filling should be carried out within a week’s time. Weeds can be reduced by proper puddling and water management in paddy. Maintenance of 5 cm water level in rice fields reduces weed growth by smothering effect,” it said.
Regarding apples, it advised orchardists to remove hail damaged fruits and leaves from and provide adequate drainage to avoid water stagnation and maintain orchard sanitation.
For cattle, the advisory is to provide some grazing time to the animals, but it is advisable to feed them some paddy straw before letting them off for grazing.
“Increase the grazing time of animals gradually but not abruptly. Try to avoid feeding extra lush green to animals, particularly to vulnerable animals,” it said.
It is advisable to provide sun dried grass instead of fresh lush green grass to animals to avoid tympany/bloat. “For management of diarrhea to reduce intake of fresh grass, proper and suitable deworming should be done and treat affected animals with preparations of neblon and electrolytes,” it said.
Regarding sheep and goat it suggested avoiding grazing areas with lush growth of clovers.
“For effective prevention against foot rot in sheep, keep the sheds/paddocks and animals (in particular their feet) hygienic and in case of infections clean the feet of the animal with potassium permanganate/copper sulphate after removing the dirt and mud from their feet,” it said.
The advisory said prophylactic measures against ecto-parasites like ticks and mange should be carried out in all areas of Kashmir Valley.
“Salt licks can be provided to animals or iodized powder salt sprayed to the grazing area of sheep for better growth and weight gain,” it said.
Regarding poultry it said when the birds arrive at the farm, provide them with an instant energy source like glucose solution and additionally, give electrolytes and anti-stress vitamins for the first 3 days.
“Maintain optimum brooding temperature in the shed (32 to 35oC) during brooding of chicks. Litter material must be frequently raked to prevent the problems of wet litter. Ensure proper ventilation in the shed to avoid accumulation of harmful gases. Follow the proper vaccination schedule against prevalent diseases,” it said.
For floriculture it advised to collect the seeds from the spring flowering annuals and start transplanting of summer and autumn flowering seasons.
“Propagate chrysanthemum and dahlia by stem cuttings. Keep on removing suckers from budded rose plants and feed, hoe and water your rosary. Start to lift hyacinth, tulips and other spring flowering bulbs where the foliage has turned yellow. Trim hedge plants that have overgrown,” it said.
Regarding apiculture, it suggested detailed examination of the colonies on sunny days to observe the presence and performance of queen, check status of brood and adult bees. “Kill the queen wasps by manual flapping or by installing wasp traps,” it said.
For sericulture, the advisory said that silkworm seed should be released for incubation at least ten days before expected brushing date and proper Environmental conditions should be ensured in the incubation room for maximum hatchability.
For mushrooms, the advisory said that after harvesting, casing material should be added and pressed gently to level the holes formed due to harvesting of mushrooms.
Regarding fisheries, it said during the rainy season the pH level of water falls during rainfall with the result, the surface water becomes more acidic in nature.
“It is very important to have proper drainage and abundant fresh water. The volume of water will naturally increase during the rainy season. This is why evacuation is so important. Dig the pond so that the depth increases. If the depth increases, then the water holding capacity automatically increases. Maintain optimum volume of water,” it said.