With an objective of sensitizing farmers about new interventions approved under the Holistic Agriculture Development Programme (HADP) and benefits under other Centrally Sponsored Schemes, KisanSamparkAbhiyan, a three-day orientation programme for farmers was kick started today in Panchayat Manloo B, ShadabKarewa of Shopian district. Prabhari Officer, Ajaz Ahmad Bhat (IAS), Director, Jammu and Kashmir Entrepreneurship Development Institute (JKEDI), presided over the Orientation program. The program aims to create awareness and build confidence in collaboration with all line departments for organizing, facilitating and taking all stakeholders on board for implementation of the prestigious project.The approved plan consists of 29 projects, which aim to push agriculture & allied sectors to a new trajectory of growth, with the mission of massive transformation of agriculture in the UT.
People turned up in large numbers and were keen to learn about various schemes. The participating farmers were sensitised about different schemes aimed at holistic development and promotion of Agriculture and allied sectors and enable the farmers to get maximum profit and create employment opportunities.
In his address, Ajaz Ahmad Bhat highlighted the role of such orientation programs in the overall development of the rural areas and urged the farmers to take full advantage of schemes of different Government departments like Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Sheep Husbandry, Sericulture, Fisheries, Poultry and other Agri-allied schemes. In order to ensure that the desired results are achieved, he stressed on the importance of collaboration and coordination among the various stakeholders. He also directed the concerned departments to conduct sensitisation and orientation programs in the area and ensure thatthe targets set in B2V4 programs are achieved. He urged the unemployed youth of the area to explore the business opportunities in agri and agri-allied field and take up entrepreneurship as a career option.
The use of audio-visual aids were used to explain the schemes engaged and engrossed the farmers. Informative booklets regarding the scheme of HADP were unveiled and distributed among the participants.
In addition to this, threadbare discussions and Question& Answer sessions were held during various sessions to address farmers’ queries. Around 100 farmers participated during the first day of KisanSamparkAbhiyan.
Ajaz Ahmad Bhat also conducted site inspections of various developmental works in the area including the construction of water reservoir and directed the concerned officers to speed up the works so that the deadlines are met.
In view of the renewed emphasis on Agriculture and Allied Sectors and as per the directions of Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor, Shri Manoj Sinhathe program witnessed active participation from various departments. Dr Jaweed Hussain Shah, Chief Animal Husbandry Officer, Dr. Tariq Ahmad, District Sheep Husbandry Officer, Zahoor Ahmad Mir, Assistant Director, Fisheries, Muzaffar Ahmad Naikoo, District Level Subject Matter Specialist and Horticulture Development Officer from Horticulture Department, Representatives of Agriculture department, Animal Husbandry department, KrishiVigyan Kendra, poultry, Irrigationdepartment, Lead District Manager, Officers from JKEDI among others were also present at the program.