Awantipora, June 24: Prof Shakil Ahmad Romshoo chaired 11th meeting of the executive council of Islamic University of Science and Technology (IUST), which was attended among others by Vice Chancellors of Central University of Gujrat, Jammu University, Kashmir University, BGSB, Dean of Academic affairs, Registrar, Dean Research, Finance officer.
The Council discussed various matters pertaining to functioning of the University and commended the growth made in different areas such as research, outreach, academics etc. Prof Romshoo highlighted different initiatives taken and thanked the government for their support. He said that over the last two years the extramurally funded projects have witnessed a significant growth with over 200 proposal submitted to different funding bodies at the national level and are under different stages of consideration and 81 are presently ongoing. He said IUST has been able to foster a robust ecosystem of incubation, innovation, and entrepreneurship which has been recognized at the National level.
The council also approved appointments and promotions of different teaching and non-teaching cadres and held that quality academics and relevant research are hallmarks of a good institution and are contingent on quality human resources. The council appreciated the initiatives taken vis a vis introduction of new academic programmes in pursuance of NEP 2020, growth in infrastructure, increasing trends in different research indices such as H index, citations, focus on skilling, entrepreneurship and strengthening of start-up ecosystem. The agenda was presented by Prof Waseem Bari, Registrar IUST.