The 58th DGP-IGP National Conference that is scheduled from 5-7th January 2024 is going to deliberate on the internal security issues being faced by India. Prime Minister, Narendra Modi and Home Minister, Amit Shah will have freewheeling discussions with the top brass of the belt forces from across the nation. As per the reports this conference will deliberate on micro and macro aspects of the security challenges that include Artificial Intelligence (AI), cyber security, counter terrorism and allied issues. Nation is facing the multiple threats of terrorism that includes narco terrorism and hybrid terrorism besides the usual forms of terror networks that thrive on the support of the external patrons working for destabilisation of India. These include the Naxal penetration and the Khalistani extremism. The tightening of noose on all forms of terrorism will surely top the agenda of this important conference. Counter terrorism strategies yield results when counter intelligence guides the operations to check mate terror operatives that have managed to infiltrate the society and institutions. The forms of terrorism have advanced to new levels of subversion as instruments of state are being subverted by vested interests to facilitate the terror modules. The recent overhaul of the criminal justice system will come up for discussions in this high profile conference. All eyes are focussed on the agenda and outcomes of this meeting. The top police and intelligence brass from across the country present during the proceedings will surely gain from each other’s experiences and case studies. As each region has its own law and order problem; subversive network to deal with. One thing can be judged from the recent decisions of the central government that it wants a comprehensive mechanism to deal with terrorism. Its seriousness can be judged from the ban on the Kashmir based secessionist groups. Stringent policy is brewing up to choke the infrastructure and superstructure of terrorism that has spread its tentacles in myriad forms. As per the last reports received till writing this , the Home Minister has stressed on the National Education Policy and the enactment of three criminal justice laws that will replace the British era statues. His focus was on deliverance of justice and implementation of these laws by the law enforcement agencies in the country. Besides emphasis on linking the database and adopting the Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven analytical approach for tackling the new security challenges. He pointed out the reduction of terrorism from 2014 in Jammu and Kashmir, North East and the areas inflicted with Left Wing Extremism. The integration of delegation of authority in police chain of command was also the focus of his address. Laying emphasis on the training of officers from SHO level to DGP level in terms of facing new security challenges and thereby devising new security strategies has also come up during his delibrations. Home Minister highlighted the role of internal security measures in realising the Prime Minister , Narendra Modi’s vision of developed India by 2047.Undoubetedly,national security comprises of alert internal security apparatus that acts as the healthy immune system to defeat the external security threats from various forces from across the borders and subversives to challenge the territorial integrity and sovereignty of India. Officers of DGP rank and IGP rank are participating in this high profile internal security conference physically from across the country. Besides large number of officers attending virtually in the conference. This conference has added significance as 2024 is going to be the election year. As such new strategies and intelligence measures to make elections successful may be deliberated keeping in view the sensitivity of democratic process that will decide the fate of many candidates in this election year. To foil the attempts of the subversive tendencies this conference has added significance.