India is witnessing the emergence of a hostile neighbourhood and it is now clear that we are witnessing the extension of the global theatre of war in the Indian sub-continent; China is spreading its tentacles far and wide to encircle India. China is expanding beyond the traditional Indian frontiers to indulge in a pincer attack. It is an open secret that China has been patronising the insurgent movements in India’s North-East to engineer the balkanisation. Be it the Naga insurgency or the Left-Naxalite subversion. It has been in the forefront of giving all possible support to the Pakistan supported cross-border terrorism against India in Jammu and Kashmir over the decades. China has gone overboard to defend the Pakistani terrorists inflicting human tragedies in Jammu and Kashmir in the international fora by acting the defender of Pakistani designs against India and its war of attrition vivisect India. Not only that it has made it foothold firm on the Pakistan Occupied Territories of Jammu and Kashmir that are legally part of India but annexed in in 1947.Pakistan Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (POJK) areas have been ceded over to China to operationalize its imperialist designs in the Himalayas under the garb of One Belt One Road(OBOR) expansionist project to create the vassal states. In its recent bid to prick India after showing a semblance of peace in the Ladakh sector. It has started to foment trouble for India in the East by using Bangladesh to poke India and play its game of Chinese Checkers to test India’s patience. It is an open secret now that after the dethronement of the democratically elected Sheikh Hasina Government in Bangladesh, India’s Eastern neighbour has turned completely into a theocratic state that has only genocide to offer to the religious minorities stuck there. The open persecution, loot, plunder, rape and anarchy make it clear that Bangladesh is completely in the hands of the radical fascists. What unfortunate is that the Nobel laureate Mohammad Yunus who was acknowledged for his prowess has turned out to be a theo –fascist. He is leading the government after the fall and forced exile of Sheikh Hasina. He has proven anti-thesis of his proclaimed technocrat image and has infact acted as the despot who has allowed the genocide of the minorities and the vandalisation of their religious places. After each passing day his agenda is becoming clear that he has been installed to transform Bangladesh to theocracy. His interim government is receiving assistance from Pakistan and China. The more his interim government asserts the more it becomes clear that each step is directed to depart from the friendly relations from India. The situation has become alarming keeping in view the positions taken by the Bangladeshi elite on the media declaring their hostility towards India clear. The new official Bangladeshi planning of upgrading its old fighter jets by purchasing J-10C Vigorous Dragon Aircraft from China must concern India. The timing of purchase of these fighter aircrafts makes it clear that all is not well when it comes towards India. It is a broader ploy to encircle India by turning Bangladesh hostile by such engagements. It is pertinent to mention that the Bangladesh Air Force has a fleet that consists of F-7MG and Mig-29 fighter jets. But these are redundant when these aircrafts are compared with the present technology. The question arises what has prompted Bangladesh to upgrade its fighter jet fleet when it is not facing any threat? On the contrary, it is testing Indian patience by persecuting the minorities in Bangladesh. Notably,China is the second largest arms supplier to Bangladesh after Pakistan.China has already delivered 16 F-7MG fighter jets to Bangladesh earlier.Now the delivery of the J-10CE fighter jets will enhance the air strike capability of Bangladesh.J-10C is compared to the American F-16.This makes it clear that something is brewing in India’s immediate neighbourhood that can have far reaching consequences. A quick analysis of the developments in China makes it clear that Bangladesh has turned hostile towards India. It is the same Bangladesh that was saved by India from the Pakistani genocide in 1971.It has emerged as another theo- fascist entity on India’s Eastern flank. Its persecution of minorities and joining hands with its erstwhile oppressor and emerging as its carbon copy besides acting as the satellite of Chinese imperialism to create a front against India is enough to read the writing on the wall. India cannot trust Bangladesh and take it on the face value. India will have to recalibrate its policy towards Bangladesh and change its strategic calculus to stop its subversive designs against India. India must assert to checkmate the expansionist designs of the China-Pakistan axis to destabilise and balkanise India at the earliest. Indian strategic community must internalise that Bangladeshi hostility towards India is the extension of the Great Game 2.0 that has started unfolding in the India’s Northern Frontier to destabilise India by using genocide and terrorism as the arms of new warfare to break Indian unity. It has to be taken head on to uphold territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Indian nation.