There are media reports that patients are crowded in Chinese hospitals with a COVID-like infection; this news has created panic in various countries. This new respiratory illness is caused by a virus named Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV). It is an enveloped single-stranded negative-sense RNA virus. HMPV mostly causes upper respiratory tract infection. This virus is not a new virus like the ‘novel’ SARS-CoV-2 virus which caused COVID-19. It was first detected by Dutch researchers in the nasopharyngeal samples of children who complained of respiratory illness in 2001.
The studies showed that HPMV has existed for at least 60 years and it is not limited to China only but found all over the world. The virus is clubbed as a common respiratory pathogen. However, despite HPMV having been known as a pathogen for almost three decades now, there is no vaccine developed so far. The worst thing about HPMV is that younger sections of the population (children, adolescents and toddlers) are its primary targets.HMPV infection can lead to death in individuals, if remain untreated for longer duration.
The neighboring countries of China have begun to report the number of cases as the HPMV outbreak has found its way to other East Asian countries. According to Japan Broadcasting Corporation, 94,259 flu patients were reported in a single week. The total number of cases in Japan is presently recorded as 718,000.
The common symptoms of HMPV are cough, fever, nasal congestion, shortness of breath and wheezing. The symptoms are similar to the symptoms seen in infections caused by other respiratory viruses. In severe cases it can result in bronchitis and pneumonia.
HMPV spreads through the breathing droplets of an infected individual when he/she coughs or sneezes. Exposure to virus-contaminated environments can also cause transmission of the infection. As per the China CDC, the immune protection induced by HMPV is too weak to curb repeated infection. HMPV can be detected throughout the year, but the detection rate is highest in winter and spring.
To stay safe from HMPV, it’s important to practice good hygiene and take preventive measures. HMPV spreads through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks, so frequent hand washing withsoap and water for at least 20 seconds is essential. Avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, nose, and mouth, as this can introduce the virus into your system. If you are feeling unwell or showing symptoms like a cough, sore throat, or fever, stay home to avoid spreading the virus to others. Wear a mask in crowded public spaces to reduce the risk of transmission.
Regularly disinfect surfaces that may be contaminated, such as doorknobs, light switches, and smartphones. Keep a safe distance from people who are showing signs of illness. It’s important to monitor any symptoms and seek medical attention if they worsen, especially for young children, older adults, or those with weakened immune systems who may be at higher risk for complications. By staying informed and practicing these precautions, you can lower the risk of contracting and spreading HMPV.
During the COVID-19, the Traditional Medicinal System (TMS) played an important role in the battle against the pandemic. Several TMS formulas that were used in different countries particularly in China showed promising results. Mostly the Lung Cleansing and Detoxifying Decoction (LCDD) were used and these formulations showed good results in recovery of COVID-19 patients.
Most of the Indian Himalayan states have their own Traditional Medicinal System in place,and Jammu and Kashmir has an age old Traditional Medicinal System in place as well. The high altitude regions of Himalaya were cold season lasts for about 4-5 months, the people residing in these areas have developed traditional practices for treating common cold and chest related problems. Kashmir Himalaya has its own Lung Cleansing and Detoxifying Decoctions (LCDDs) and local tea (‘Kahwa’) to treat respiratory diseases. The ‘Kawha’ is given to every patient suffering from running nose and common cold as home remedy.
Likewise the fermented Rose petals commonly known as ‘Khambeer’ are another traditionally used home remedy to treat common cold and respiratory diseases. ‘Khambeer’ is usually made from petals of Roses, and other home recipes like fried chili powder with garlic and egg, fermented Quince locally known as ‘Bam Chount-e-Murba’, use of warm water with honey, power of Liquorice (‘Shanger’) with sugar, decoction of Cinnamon ‘Dalcheen’, Ginger ‘Adrak’, Jujube ‘Brayee’ is time tested LCDDs used in Kashmir. Most of these ingredients used in local LCDDs of Kashmir have been scientifically proved to have antiviral properties particularly to the class of viruses that cause respiratory problems.
Therefore, the people of this region in addition to proper hygiene and necessary precautions should use these Lung Cleansing and Detoxifying Decoction (LCDD) to remain health from respiratory diseases. One of the trustworthy solutions to this problem is natural remedies, such as medicinal plants, minerals, animal products, LCDDs which have saved lakhs of people during COVID pandemic in different countries of world particularly in China.
(Author is Asst Professor, Dept. of Botany at University of Kashmir, North Campus. Feedback: [email protected])