Jammu and Kashmir Police on Sunday said that it has arrested father for allowing his minor son drive vehicle in Hakermullah Budgam hit and run case in which one girl aged about 15 years was killed.
A police spokesman said, “Today, the father of accused (Juvenile) namely Nazir Ahmad Hajam son of Ali Mohammad Hajam resident of Hakermullah Budgam* was arrested under relevant sections of MV Act for allowing his minor son drive the vehicle.”
The spokesman said that during the investigation of case FIR number *381/2022* of Police Station Budgam in which a speeding Auto Load Carrier bearing registeration number JK04G-9135 hit a 15-years-old girl in Hakermulla area of Budgam and fled from the spot. Within 3 hours, the vehicle involved in the commission of crime was seized and the driver arrested. It surfaced that the arrested driver is a juvenile and not in possession of valid driving licence and subsequently his father has been arrested.
Budgam Police requests parents not to allow minors and those not in possession of valid driving licenses drive their vehicles and hence endangering lives of people.