Srinagar, May 27: Ghanta Ghar, also known as the clock tower at Lal Chowk, holds a rich history in Kashmir. According to historian Zareef Ahmad Zareef, before the construction of the clock tower, there was a “Red square” at Lal Chowk, developed by the Christians. Later, the clock tower was built by the Bajaj Group upon the request of the then-Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah.
Following the Indra-Abdullah Accord in 1975, the Bajaj Group arrived in Kashmir and selected Lal Chowk as the location to develop a clock tower. Bajaj Electricals constructed the tower in 1979 as an advertisement for the company.
Since 1989, the clock tower has gained political significance, with politicians and activists visiting Lal Chowk to hoist either the tricolor or the green flag atop the Clock Tower, depending on their political affiliations. It is also historically significant as India’s first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, unfurled the Indian national flag (the tricolor) here in 1948.
Under the smart city project, the authorities have demolished the existing structure and are in the process of constructing a new clock tower, which is nearing completion. Officialssay the work on this iconic tower is in its final stages and is expected to be completed in the coming weeks.
Bashir Ahmad, a shop owner at Lal Chowk, expressed his satisfaction with the reconstruction of the clock tower, stating that despite its historical significance, the administration had neglected this place and the tower for a long time. Ahmad believes that the completion of the tower would be eye-catching and welcomed by the local community.
Located near the Press Enclave, political party offices, missionary schools, colleges, and renowned markets, Lal Chowk’s Ghanta Ghar holds a vibrant position. Earlier this year, a group organized a “pheran” fashion exhibition at the clock tower, which attracted considerable attention despite the busy location.
Overall, Ghanta Ghar at Lal Chowk serves as a significant historical and political landmark in Kashmir, drawing visitors from all walks of life due to its vibrant location.