JAMMU, AUG 29: In a significant move to facilitate the electoral participation of Kashmiri migrants, the Jammu and Kashmir Election Department has published the draft electoral roll extracts for Kashmiri Migrants.
The electoral roll extracts are now available online at ceo.jk.gov.in and www.jkmigrantrelief.nic.in, as well as at all Zonal Offices and the Office of Relief & Rehabilitation Commissioner (Migrants), J&K.
Electors have a seven-day window to submit claims or objections regarding the draft rolls. They can request changes such as inclusion of names, voting at original polling stations in Kashmir, or opting for postal ballots. Claims must be submitted in writing within the specified period.
“Draft electoral roll extracts have been generated from actual voter lists and are published for Kash-miri migrants to review. They are encouraged to submit claims of omissions or other corrections,” said the office of the J&K Chief Electoral Officer.
The electoral roll extracts, which do not include photographs, are available at all Zonal offices and the Office of Relief and Rehabilitation Commis-sioner (Migrants), J&K. Migrant voters can also check the rolls online at www.jkmigrantrelief.nic.in and ceo.jk.gov.in.
For assistance, electors can contact the Office of the Assistant Returning Officer, Migrants, Jammu, or their respective Zonal Officers and Booth Level Of-ficers (BLOs). Queries can also be directed to the provided phone numbers: 9484320655 and 948432065.
Additionally, the Election Commission of India (ECI) has established 19 Special Polling Stations in Jammu, 1 in Udhampur, and 4 in New Delhi to ca-ter to Kashmiri migrants. The mapping of these sta-tions to the zones and camps has been completed and is available online.
The ECI has streamlined the voting process by re-moving the requirement for Form-M for migrants residing in Jammu and Udhampur, aligning with practices from recent Lok Sabha Elections. For mi-grants outside Jammu and Udhampur, Form-M must still be submitted, but the self-attestation op-tion has been introduced to simplify the process. Postal ballot facilities through Form 12C continue to be available to all migrants.
Draft electoral roll extract for Kashmiri migrants published
Claims & objections to be filed within seven days

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