Continuing with an aim to provide financial assistance to meet the urgent needs of Police personnel, the Director General of Police, J&K Shri Dilbag Singh has sanctioned over Rupees 71 lakh welfare loan in favour of 60 serving officers and personnel of J&K Police vide PHQ Order No. 348 of 2023.
Under this order, welfare loan ranging from rupees 01 lakh to rupees 1.50 lakh has been sanctioned in favour of 51 personnel for the purpose of their own marriage, or for marriage of their wards/relatives. Similarly, welfare loan of rupees 01 lakh to rupees 1.50 has been sanctioned in favour of 07 Police personnel for pursuing higher education of their ward.
Besides, the DGP has also sanctioned Rupees 50 thousands each in favour of two police officials for circumcision and yognovpit of their wards.
The welfare loan sanctioned to the Police personnel is refundable and is recovered in monthly installments from their salaries without any interest. The welfare loan has been sanctioned out of the Central Police Welfare Fund.
Police Headquarters under different welfare schemes is providing financial assistance to all the ranks serving/retired of Jammu and Kashmir Police and to serving SPOs. Financial support to the families & wards of Martyr Police personnel and wards of martyr SPOs is also taken care of by the Police Headquarters.