“All the reading in the world cannot immunize you from the devastating effects of psychopaths. Everyone, including the experts, can be taken in, conned, and left bewildered by them. A good psychopath can play a concerto on anyone’s heart strings”… Robert D. Hare
On September 2, 1858, speaking in Clinton, Illinois, during the famous Lincoln-Douglas debates; Abraham Lincoln is supposed to have made one of his most famous statements:
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time”. It may be relevant even 166 years later. But Kashmir seems to challenge its universality at least till today.
So called resolution passed in the Legislative Assembly of the Union Territory of Jammu Kashmir on November 6, 2024 prompts us to question generality of Lincoln quote. There are varied versions of parties and Hon’ble Members of the House on the resolution. But that is besides the real point under discussion.
Kashmir in particular continues to be attached to symbolism and does not bother to look for substance beyond those initial moments which matter the most-the Golden Hour in medical terms. This occurrence happens repeatedly and every time people regret or at least show remorse for their instantaneous response.
Political parties have understood this nature of common masses (majority of population) perfectly. Their planning and moves are prepared accordingly. Political parties and their leaders have learned to play emotional cards in such a manner as would absolve them from attending to serious or basic issues confronting the masses.
Resolution Controversy
The very first session of the newly constituted Legislative Assembly has been blemished by a preventable controversy. Violating all established rules of procedure and conduct of Business, one member of PDP while speaking on condolence resolution said that he is introducing a resolution on restoration of Article 370.
This was resisted for obvious reasons. Members belonging to the Bharatiya Janata Party repelled this unwarranted, immature and illegitimate behaviour of the PDP member with a controversial & questionable past.
Strong and determined opposition by the BJP members forced the speaker to adjourn the House just before Hon’ble LG was scheduled to address the House. But before that Chief Minister reacted on PDP member’s action saying “The resolution brought today has no importance, but it is only for the cameras. If there was a purpose behind it, then they would have discussed this with us before.”
“We knew that preparation for this was being made by a member. The reality is that the people of Jammu and Kashmir do not approve of the decision taken on August 5, 2019. If they had approved, then the results today would have been different. How the House will reflect and discuss this will not be decided by any one member,” Abdullah added.
PDP chief and former Chief Minister and an arch rival of NC & Omar Abdullah rushed to praise his party MLA, for introducing resolution in JK Assembly opposing the revocation of Article 370 and resolve to restore the special status.
Astounding smokescreen
Chief Minister Omar Abdullah’s statement on floor of house has several aspects that reveal real nature of his party. He said; a) his government knew that preparation for this was being made by a member.
- b) The reality is that the people of Jammu and Kashmir do not approve of the decision taken on August 5, 2019.
- c) If the people of Jammu Kashmir had approved, then the results today would have been different,
- d) How the House will reflect and discuss this will not be decided by any one member,”
- f) The resolution…has no importance, but it is only for the cameras. And
- g) If there was a purpose behind it, then they would have discussed this with us before.”
Now why shall people not scrutinise Omar Abdulla’s acts on the same very parameters and seek answers which he stated on the floor of the House. To begin with if Omar’s government knew of the plot that “preparation for this was being made by a member”; what action did he or his government take? If nothing else did he take initiative to contact the member and inform him about rules/procedures and other consequences?
Second point is about people’s approval of the decision taken on August 5, 2019. Even if we take the latest Assembly election alone as the nark of approval by the people of Jammu Kashmir and ignore Parliamentary election result or the election to the DDCs before that the result reveals BJP as the single party receiving highest share of the popular votes polled @ 26%. Approx… NC of Abdullah’s is second @ 23 per cent only.
Chief Minister went ahead to assert that one member cannot decide how House reflects its opinion. He added that They (PDP) should have discussed with “us” (NC) before moving the resolution to make it purposeful and not a staged media event. Did Omar Abdullah, his party NC or the Speaker of house take others into confidence before moving another event for media with no real purpose?
Frivolous Gratification
An overwhelming majority of Politicians and their support structure in media, civil society and academia has developed a malicious pleasure in insignificant symbolism. It may satisfy their ego for some time and may also win them some support but does not yield any substantial benefit to the masses. Unfortunately over the years it has become common trait.
Use of green handkerchief, displaying a piece of rock salt – both symbolic references to Pakistan – and questioning Jammu and Kashmir’s accession to India, denigrating Dogra rulers, disrespecting national flag and National anthem, deliberate discourteous behaviour towards tourists and devotees by terming them Indians different from Kashmiris etc are some of the ways in which this sadistic pleasure is drawn.
In spite of this practice for decades nothing has changed on the ground. Common Kashmiri –poor and deprived continues to suffer like any other Indian. Even the much celebrated democratic set up was adopted in restricted style. Be that highly manipulated election or denial of 73rd & 74th Amendment benefits to the state populace.
The claimed resolution about dialogue with elected representatives is yet another such attempt. But this time it has failed miserably. First because of strong and determined resistance by the BJP and secondly by confused MLAs who vacillated from welcoming it to condemning it as fixed match between BJP and NC. Had NC been sincere and had they followed procedures and rules of business, I am sure nobody could have stopped them. Even BJP, I believe, would have loved to discuss the issue on floor of the house because of the merits of party case. Ruling dispensation had numbers and would have got it passed with a majority members vote. But that did not happen.
What is the net outcome? The outcome is Unmasking of pretentious NC leadership both in front of Nation as a whole and also before masses of Kashmir. Now it is for the people to take charge and decide how long they will continue to be mesmerized by false bravado. We know when individuals take responsibility for their actions; they become more capable of responding to challenges and opportunities. Accountability breeds response-ability.
(The Author is Former Member of the Legislative Council of Jammu Kashmir and official spokesperson of BJP JK_UT)