Srinagar, June 05: Chanakya IAS Academy – Srinagar Centre on Monday felicitated the rankers of the recently-announced UPSC results. The ceremony was aimed at recognizing the achievements of Nitin Singh (AIR 32), Manan Bhat (AIR 231), and Manil Bejotra (AIR 314).
The Chief Guest on the occasion was Dr. Shahid Iqbal Choudhary (IAS), Secretary to the Government Tribal Affairs Department & CEO Mission Youth J&K, who shared his valuable thoughts with the audience. In his speech, Dr. Shahid Iqbal provided clarity and guidance to the students aspiring to crack the UPSC exam.
Additionally, Nitin Singh, Manan Bhat, and Manil Bejotra, who were the UPSC rankers, shared their experiences about choosing Civil Services as a career option and their preparation strategies with the aspiring candidates currently enrolled at the Chanakya IAS Academy – Srinagar.
As a token of appreciation for their hard-earned success, the UPSC rankers were presented with mementos by Dr. Shahid Choudhary during the event.
The Chanakya IAS Academy – Srinagar organizes these mentorship and guidance programs to encourage and create awareness among the aspiring youth of the valley. Such initiatives play a crucial role in motivating and inspiring students to pursue their dreams of cracking the UPSC examination and serv