Latest Health News
India logs 3,011 new COVID cases in last 24 hours
India recorded 3,011 new COVID cases in the last 24 hours, informed…
Eat wisely during season of festivals
Festivals are around the corner of the year. Festivals are the days filled…
Introduction to multiple pregnancy and conjoined twins
Multiple pregnancy means when more than one fetus simultaneously develop in the…
Chronic illness and mental health
Chronic diseases as well as mental health disorder are both common and…
Ways to keep the old age life fruitful
Advances in medicine and medical technology have led to a continuous rise…
Tips to Maintain your “Headache Hygiene”
Dr. Abdul Majid and Dr. Aijaz Ahmad Headache has troubled mankind from the dawn of civilization. Headache…
Blood pressure (BP) needs to be maintained for proper blood supply but…
A healthy diet should include several food groups
Dairy, dark greens, enriched cereal and juice, some soy products and certain…
It’s not heart, it’s not mind– it’s both!
I begin writing this article by wishing you all a very happy World…