Srinagar, Nov 15: An Intra-College debate on the theme “Democracy is the True Form of Government” was organised by the Debates and Seminar Committee of Amar Singh College, Srinagar on Tuesday at Bukhari Hall of the College in collaboration with the 116 Para Infantry Batallion of Indian Army.
The inaugural address was given by Prof. Bashir Ahmad Rather, Principal, Amar Singh College, wherein he deliberated upon different forms of government. He outlined that the democratic form of government is the most acceptable and viable form of government wherein the people are the sovereigns. He underscored the point that democratic form of government leads to growth in every sphere — economic, psychological, social, technological etc.
Prof. Basharat Shameem, Assistant Professor, Department of English, gave a special lecture on the “Necessity of Democracy.” Quoting the often-repeated dictum that “Democracy is the most plausible form of Governance”, he said it is one of the modern blessings to live under a democratic setup and that we need to cherish and uphold the democratic ideals in every sphere of life. He stressed the point that democracy offers the most acceptable solutions to all kinds of problems and hence it is the only way ahead for all societies and countries in the world.
Commanding Officer, 116 Para of Indian army, Col. David, who was the Guest of Honour, also spoke on the occasion. He appreciated the students of the College for participating in the co-curricular activities with zeal and zest. He commended the College for fostering excellence.
The jury members Dr. Ajaz Ahmad Kanth, Head, Deptt of Chemistry, Dr Abdul Waheed Bhat, Head, Deptt of History and Prof. Arifat Jan, Head, Deptt of Political Science, adjudicated the winners at the end of the event from among a dozen speakers. Ishfaq Ahmed, 3rd Semester, Fahad Fayaz, 6th Semester and Sadiya Khan, First Semester, were declared as the First, Second and Third prize winners, respectively.
The event officially ended with a formal Vote of Thanks by Prof. Shahnawaz Muntazir (Assistant Professor, Department of English. Prof Aliya Muzaffar acted as rapporteur for the programme.