According to the United Nations, ‘the climate change has become more severe and the world seems far from powerless in the face of this global threat’. Climate change raises many social, economical and political challenges. Furthermore, the rising conflicts world over have immensely disturbed the ecological balance of the planet earth. These prolonged conflicts, directly or indirectly, are also responsible for climate change. There is no doubt that working for political solution means to work for peace. The threat posed by military and nuclear misadventurism is immense and directly puts human life and survival at risk. While we celebrate world environment day, earth day, and other such days, the fact remains the environment is heading towards disaster. Gradual meltdown of glaciers, degradation of forest cover, shrinking of water bodies, and conversion of agricultural land into residential colonies under the banner of urbanization is wreaking havoc with our fragile ecology. As per some studies many parts of the world will become too hot for human habitation and those who are left behind will die of heat. Also, the unnecessary and unwanted interference by humans in the natural habitat of wild animals have disturbed the equilibrium thereby resulting in the increase in incidents of man-animal conflicts. All these are indicators of large menace with which world in general and Kashmir in particular is grappling with. The prolonged conflicts world over have not only resulted in loss of human lives but also has caused irreparable damage and destruction to the environment. There are number of studies conducted across the globe highlighting the social, political and environmental hazards world is suffering at the moment. These studies have not only highlighted psychological and physical destruction but have lit up certain dark areas about the environment and harmful effect it has on the flora and fauna. Furthermore, unnecessary human intervention of forests and jungles have badly affected the environment of wild animals; the setting up of residential colonies in forest have disturbed their habitat forcing them (animals) to move towards human territories resulting in man-animal conflict. Protection of the environment is vital and the government must stand equally responsible for ecological conservation. In saving our environment political leadership has a role. International bodies are working for a new world order, it is important they should work and create awareness about the harmful effect of war, strife and conflict on ecology and surroundings.