The outbreak of Hepatitis- A in Turkatachloo village in Kulgam has raised some serious health related issues in the valley as two children lost their lives due to the virus and six others have tested positive so far. Keeping in view the gravity of the situation the Directorate of Health Services Kashmir has already deputed a team of experts of epidemiology to the area in order to stop the further spread of the virus. Hepatitis-A is closely associated with unsafe water or food, inadequate sanitation, and personal hygiene. As per medical experts Hepatitis-A is a water borne disease and the virus spreads when an uninfected person ingests food or water that is contaminated with the faeces of an infected person. Thousands of agencies including major international health organizations, government bodies on health and independent workers are tirelessly working to increase the awareness of viral hepatitis and are trying new ways to tackle hepatitis diseases and spread of infections. According to WHO, ‘Hepatitis-A occurs sporadically and in epidemics worldwide, with a tendency for cyclic recurrences’. Hepatitis- A causes liver inflammation and does not cause chronic liver disease but if the damage goes unnoticed it can cause severe illness. It is a serious health issue and all subjects of the UT have responsibility to create awareness about this disease. The most effective way to combat Hepatitis-A is to take precautions, use safe food, immunization and improved sanitation. District administration should also need to take concrete steps on ground for prevention of this disease by providing safe drinking water and treatment to the affected children. They also need to spread relevant information and awareness in the nearby areas. Also, people at large need to take precautionary measures at home. They need to make sure to use boiled water for drinking purpose. Hand hygiene must be followed before eating any food. What is more important is to have a clear understanding as how serious is this health issue with respect to the population in the UT. It would be in the fitness of the things that health is prioritized and that governments pay attention to various health issues. We hope that the government and health department not only work with zeal to eradicate hepatitis diseases but broaden the scope of fighting different diseases and addressing public health issues in future.