Srinagar, Jan 13: 66th Research Council Meeting (Rabi-2023) of SKUAST Kashmir was held on Saturday with Prof. Nazir Ahmad Ganai, Vice-Chancellor in chair.
The meeting was attended by two external experts, Prof. Ayaz Hassan Moon, Dean Research, IUST and Dr. Zaffar Reshi. Professor Kashmir University. Members from line Departments included M. Iqbal Choudhary, Director Agriculture Kashmir and Zahoor Ahmad, Joint Director Horticulture.
Besides, Director Research, Prof. Haroon R. Naik, the meeting was attended by other University officers, professors from various Faculties and Colleges, Heads of Research Stations/ Subject Matter Divisions and progressive farmers.
Two books “Wheat Improvement for Food and Nutritional Security” by Wani, S.H. and Rehman, N.U., and “Package and Practices for mulberry cultivation along with silkworm rearing” by Baqual, M.F., Sahaf, K.A., Rufaie, Z.H., Mir, M.R & Ganaie, N.A., were released on the occasion. Internal Quality Assurance Cell of the University was felicitated by Vice Chancellor for production of the best APR of the University.
Vice Chancellor, Chairman of the statutory meeting deliberated upon vision and mission of the University in liner with the sustainable development goals of United Nations Organizations for agriculture. Besides enlightening the house with the envisioned roadmap to ensuring Nutrition, Economic & Ecology security, Prof. Ganai impressed upon novel and innovative approaches in agricultural value chain.
He appreciated the efforts of university scientists in general for their contribution in evolving the institution at national level and recognition of their research contributions in terms of patents, varieties/products developed, high impact publications, startups and innovations. He impressed upon the fact that the University was growing in the educational atmosphere but with a difference recognized by one and all and this brings more social and ethical responsibility on our institution.
Prof. Ayaz Hassan, IUST appreciating the achievements of the university, emphasized the use of IoT for real time and dynamic information in Agriculture for pro-active demand driven planning of research and real-time redressal for field problems.
Prof. Zaffar Reshi, Kashmir University advocated biodiversity investigations across the realms. He further deliberated to work on robust simulation modelling tools, so that sustainability of varieties/ crops and production technology could be ascertained well in time. He emphasized on predictive modelling along the agricultural value chain.
Director Agriculture, Shri. Iqbal Choudhary and Joint Director Horticulture, Mr. Zahoor Ahmad, appreciated the coordination between the University and Line Departments and apprised the house about the current field level issues.
Later in the session, Director Research, Prof. Haroon R. Naik, undertook a comprehensive and brainstorming review of the research activities, project progress and future research plans across the subject matter Faculties and research stations. Associate Director Research (AS), Prof. M.S. Mir, presented the research, innovation & startup ecosystem of University and achievements during 2023-24. He also presented the action taken report of 64th RCM before the house. Presentations were also made by Dean sub matter faculties, Head Research Stations viz-a-viz research achievement and future plan were deliberated. The meeting concluded with formal vote of thanks by Prof. Parmeet Singh, Chief Scientist (Agron), Directorate of Research.
SKUAST K’s 66th Research Council Meeting maps agricultural innovation roadmap

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