North India in general and Jammu Kashmir in particular is always impacted by western disturbances. Though these disturbances are commonly related to weather conditions but their impact is all pervasive.
The political, social and economic life of people is also affected by influences from the western side of our nation. The impact has more often been adverse and caused turmoil in the region for a long time. Therefore, it is time to understand this phenomenon and prepare in advance to mitigate its harmful effects. Instead, the focus must be to efficiently use incoming waves for betterment of our own people and humanity at large.
Western Disturbances
Western disturbances, in metrological terminology, are storms that originate in the Caspian or Mediterranean Sea, and bring non-monsoonal rainfall to northwest India. They are labelled as an extra-tropical storm and areas of low pressure that brings sudden showers, snow and fog in northwest India.
The meaning of WD lies in its name as this disturbance travels from the “western” to the eastern direction. Equilibrium that exists in nature and due to which the air in a region tries to normalise its pressure is in fact a strong defence mechanism created by nature itself.
Climatically speaking the western Disturbance has shaped the weather conditions in the north-western region. Although in short term these disturbances put life out of gear and bring some significant miseries to the people of the region yet they bring much required rain and snow to the area that is so essential for the very survival of life.
Rain water and snow is crucial for not only agriculture but all other allied activities. In recent years our economy has become dependent on snow and rain water in more ways than expected. Winter sports, snowfall and adventure tourism for example has added to the number of tourists visiting Kashmir in recent years.
Political Disturbance
Interruptions in normal life of the people of north India in general and Kashmir in particular caused by western disturbances is not limited to weather and climate only. In fact the winds coming from western side have caused havoc in our national life for centuries.
Intruders have mostly come from this side only. It is also a fact that trade and interaction with the rest of the world has also been mostly through this area only. The Silk Road which was a major trade route of bygone era passed through Kashmir, connecting the East and West for over two millennia. It remained a vital economic lifeline and cultural bridge for Kashmir and rest of the world. Kashmir was a key player in transcontinental commerce, exchanging goods also a meeting point for merchants from different regions, sharing ideas, art, religion, and knowledge.
During the freedom struggle also Kashmir remained connected and in the process influenced by winds of change from western side of its borders. Students from Kashmir would find it a comparatively more palpable destination for higher learning.
Calm and serene socio-political settings of Kashmir were impacted hugely from events across western border. This was more evident after 1931 and played a major role on future developments particularly in and after 1947. Invasion from newly created Pakistan in 1947 transformed social and political life of the people and shaped affairs of the state in the post partition era. It, in a manner continues till date though there is a marked shift visible now for past few years.
Aeonic Era emerges?
That Kashmir is witnessing a tectonic change, is the belief of many observers. Is it really so? What is happening on the ground? Has there been some epoch-making shift in the understanding of the people at large? Is the change noticeable or simply wishful thinking of selected few, who read too much into usual behavioural changes witnessed in recent times?
Questions of this nature should be asked for betterment of the people of the region. It is the responsibility of the thinking class to both raise and answer all such questions that will or may affect us collectively. Analysing the emerging situation from all angles is essential to prepare the society for change without facing much inconvenience.
Climatically speaking, we are witnessing erratic weather conditions much more often now. Global warming and climate change is now a reality that is staring us in the face with all its consequences. WE as a People need to plan for it collectively. No individual person or a section of society can handle the issue in isolation. It has to be a collective effort.
Social issues have also undergone a huge shift. Earlier dowry, guest control, corruption, ladies education were overriding concerns of conscious social leaders. Now drug menace, violence, greed, abandoning aged parents, depression and similar issues have increased in demoniacal proportion.
Politics of opportunism has in a similar manner replaced value based and principled politics. Both individuals and parties have now become more self-centred and go to any lengths for fulfilling their nefarious ambition without any sense of shame or inhibitions. Across the border also the areas under illegal occupation of Pakistan is on boil.
Social and religious leaders who would earlier be respected by everyone for their morality, character, spiritual leaning and unbiased approach have gone missing. Political leaders have replaced socio-religious personalities of impeachable character. Corrupt bureaucrats, immoral businessmen, musclemen and similar class of people are influencing society in more ways than required.
Future Progression
The situation has really reached a point where it is necessary to take the problem head on to save the future of humanity. Restraint in consumption to put brakes on hoarding of ill-gotten money, lust for power, stockpiling of huge land parcels by immoral and unethical practices is essential. For this purpose a debate needs to be generated in a manner that our society discusses the issue as a matter of priority. There are some positive signs but they need to be converted into a mass movement.
In recent times one thing that has been decoded to a greater extent is the real “Hidden Hands” that have been ruling the world. Some people may dismiss these facts under the carpet by terming it as a conspiracy theory, but the fact remains that deep state, crown council, the Committee of 300, round table etc have become part of political lexicon now.
Analysts tell us that the crown council was founded by the British aristocracy in 1727 when they colonised the larger parts of the world. They have been the real rulers of the world through intricately woven mechanism that includes a well-knit eco-system and echo chamber. In post-world war era some big MNCs were incorporated into the crown council.
Post 2014 general elections and related developments in India and post 2020 presidential election of USA has had an devastating impact on the powerful elites of the global order. Unrestrained greed for profits and the crumbling developmental model based on brazen exploitation of natural resources has served as a wakeup call. Now more and more people are expressing concern for survival of planet earth and preserving it for posterity.
Pushing the world to extinction by promoting wars, creating pandemics like Covid-19 , encouraging rampant consumerism by breaking families and societies has reached a point where it can’t sustain any further. Hence it is important to “Think Global and Act Locally” and take corrective measures at our own level. It is a collective responsibility and cannot be avoided any more.
(Author is a former member of the Legislative Council of J&K and spokesperson of BJP JK)