It is clear now that the forthcoming Lok Sabha Elections will unfold many surprises as far the fielding of the candidates by the BJP led NDA is concerned. The candidature of S. Jaishankar and Nirmala Sitharaman is official. Both have excelled in their ministries and led India with their professionalism. Jaishankar has proven himself to be the silent worker. While performing his duties as the Minister of External Affairs he has strengthened India’s foreign relations. His forte lies in sending the strong message in a nuanced manner and taking the bull by the horns. But at the same times he ensures that he acts with precision and gives his rivals no space assert. His deft handling of the crisis situations has helped India to develop good neighbourly relations. Not only that he has been able to cultivate new friends and strengthen old bonds with the friendly nations. His command on the diplomatic skills has enriched the India’s foreign office and brought a new zeal. He has transformed the India’s foreign policy calculus. He is a scholar diplomat who matches his actions with a philosophy that he upholds. His books give an insight into his expertise in international relations. These include The India Way: Strategies for an Uncertain World, Why Bharat Matters and other publications reveal how the geopolitics must be dealt with keeping in mind the Indian interests. Nirmala Sitharaman has proved to be the able Finance Minister having the sense of the national financial pulse and leading the nation on the path of economic growth. Her consecutive budgets are testimony to her vision to evolve India as a developed nation. Inclusivity and good financial health has been the hallmark of her policies. Taking India on the path towards creating new avenues for all sections of the society has been her credo. Her credibility has indeed given a new impetus to the Finance Ministry. Having these professionals in the Lok Sabha will surely enhance the level of debates and enrich the national discourse. It will have a great impact on the policy making. It is definitely going to set new bench mark for the Lok Sabha candidature. New India wants those people in the Lok Sabha who are part of the solution and not the part of the problem. Besides gone are the times when Lok Sabha was reduced to centre of hooliganism leading to pandemonium. Such candidates will surely help to maintain the sanctity of the highest institution of the nation. It prompt the other political parties to choose the best of their representatives who can be a part of value addition to the parliamentary democracy. India can’t afford to squander the international image it has acquired with the hard work by sending the people to Lok Sabha who denigrates its prestige. Democratic values and inclusiveness has been the hallmark of the Indian politics and governance. Lok Sabha Elections will definitely give many surprises this year. As the political calculus of the nation is totally different from the times before 2013.When India was witnessing the fractured mandate and an era of coalition governments. These lacked stability. From 2013 Indian polity has witnessed political stability, leading to the economic well-being and the respectability in the comity of nations. People want a stable government led by professionals who can deliver on multiple fronts and take India towards terror free stable democracy.