Education and wisdom are our divine prerogatives, and the pursuit of knowledge is more than an obligation for every Muslim. Even the inception of our faith was instituted with the pronouncement of “Iqra”. We have been decreed and enjoined by the Quran and the Hadith to seek education at any cost. Allah (SWT) has ordained us to unravel the mysteries and secrets of the universe by dint of logic and learning. We are the chosen ones, and the holy Quran elevates us to the best of best stature, for our ability to contemplate. Prominence conferred upon human beings is for their faculty to analyze, examine, explore and cogitate.
The holy Quran lays emphasis upon “Tadabbur and Tafakkur “, and contemplation is verily the kernel of life which is the privilege accorded to humans alone. Our ancestors were the truest viceroys who would rule and live in accordance with the diving guidance of Allah (SWT). They had not confined themselves to the fierce rhetoric and mere sermoning. They had struck the fine balance between “Duniya” and “Akhirah” (Here and hereafter). They were undoubtedly obsessed with the fear of grave, yet they had unmatched love for Learning and wisdom. Knowledge and education had been the essence of their lives. Logic and reasoning would never cease to be part of their lives. Our glorious sky of the bygone days had a plethora of stars who would give it a galaxial look. Great sons of the Muslim world had been like cosmic gems to make the sky of our past radiate the brilliance of these beacons of light and enlightenment.
The cherished academic and educational legacy of unparalleled stature makes our ancestors tall and prominent. Our ancestors had been the pioneers of different great works in natural and medical sciences. Ibni Shatir, Alkhwarizmi, Bu Ali Sena, Ibn Al-Haytham, Al-Biruni, Al-Zahrawi, Abbas Ibni Firnas, Ibni Al-Nafis and dozens of others are notably acclaimed Muslim scientists. Astronomy, medicine, surgery, chemistry, mathematics and geography are the fields where Muslim scientists have left indelible impressions upon the canvas of brilliance. Once, the great Sir Isaac Newton remarked, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants, and many of those giants were the Muslim scientists of Middle Ages “.
Unlike today, our Madrasas were not confined to Tajweed and Fiqah. Mathematics, physics and astronomy were taught in these centres of higher learning during the middle ages when Muslims had the political discretion. In the past entire Europe was sunken in gloom, ignorance, superstitions, prejudice and doctrinal absolutism. Logic and reasoning had been snatched from them. On the other hand, enlightenment and scientific renaissance had glided Muslims to new elevations. Famous Abassid ruler – Harun Al-Rashid congregated scholars across the globe to the city of Bhagdad, and got classical knowledge treasures of the world translated into Arabic and Persian languages.
But, now, the Muslim world is going through the vicious cycle of intellectual crisis. We have enormous brain; sufficient man-power spread over fifty seven countries, consisting of more than two billion brains. But, we are reduced to naught. According to Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024, none of the universities from the Muslim world figures among the top 200 Universities of the world. The Muslim world had a glorious inheritance in the field of higher learning. But, today Muslims stand nowhere on the map of higher learning and research. One hundred twenty three years of Nobel Prize history paints pathetic picture of Muslims. According to stats, 492 scientists across the globe have bagged the prestigious prize for medicine, chemistry, physics and economics since 1901. But, only three among these 492 scientists are from the Muslim world. The figures vividly exhibit the paradox of the Muslim world.
A billion dollar question strikes every chamber of our brains! What actually happened to Muslims all across the globe? What led to their intellectual cessation and bankruptcy? What liberated Europe from the clutches of dark ages of dogmatism? How did the same yoke become the fate of Muslims? During the golden age of Muslims – aristocracy, nobility and clergy had been responsible for the plight of Europeans. The three upper strata had erected a wall between commoners and reasoning. Dogmatism and doctrinal absolutism had gagged the European masses. No one had the courage and power to question and inquire. Church had chained, chocked and muzzled the mental faculties of common people. Kings were enjoying the doctrine of divine right to rule. “How and why” had been buried under religious totalitarianism.
But, when European intellectuals taught people that everything can’t be attributed to religion alone, rather things should be viewed through the prism of cause and effect. Islamic clergy followed the footprints of the Church. For instance, a terrible famine engulfed Turkey in the year 1580; Islamic Ulemas ascribed it to the tall antennas and telescopes erected in the famous Taqiadin observatory of Istanbul. They asked the then king to lower the antennas and telescopes. They misled the commoners that the drought was but only the divine curse for the towering antennas. This approach contradicts the prime ideologies, commandment and theories of the Quran. The Holy Quran is brimmed with the phrases like “Ta-aqiloon, Tadabaroon and Tafakaroon”. Exploration of cause and effect is never an act of divine defiance or contumacy. Allah (SWT) Himself orders us to go beyond the frontiers of skies and earths.
Cessation of logic and reasoning has rusted, latched and chained the Muslim minds. And consequently, intellectual growth and development is no more a station of Muslim Nations. Imagine if Newton, Archimedes, Al-Khwarizmi, Jabir Bin Hayan, Edison, Einstein and others had not been rational thinkers and observers, the world would have been deprived of precious scientific inventions, laws and discoveries. And visualize the world without these discoveries and inventions! Yes, the life would look somber and almost impossible albeit these scientific marvels. Nations making big strides in the field of scientific research are sure to monopolise the political and economic domains of the world. Nowadays Muslims have become puppets who dance to the tunes of the powerful. Muslims possess wealth, resources and manpower, but they are divested of critical thinking and logic. Complacency is enough to occupy their minds.
Another predominant factor of our decline is the segregation of knowledge into ‘Deen’ and ‘Duniya’. We are probably obsessed either with ‘Akhira’ or have confined our Duniya to a few luxuries and comforts. Interestingly, the word ‘Akhirah’ is mentioned in the holy Quran some 115 times, and the word Duniya also features 115 times in the holy book. The subjects like science and technology have been eradicated from our religious seminaries. Looking back at Abbasid and Otamman eras, astronomy, medicine, geography and mathematics were taught at par with Arabic, Islamic jurisprudence and the Quran. But, now, we have gone sliding down the hill. Tragically, pass outs from Madrasas know only to carry out a handful of rituals. The legacy of scholarship and research has vanished into the thin air.
Muslims across the globe are intellectually disabled. We are in a deep slumber and hibernation. Angels won’t come to change our fate and destiny. Supernatural powers won’t contain our intellectual decline. Scientific, cultural and political renaissance of Muslims is but a distant dream if we continue to be the slaves of conservatism and traditionalism. Let’s pledge to restore the pride of Andalusia, Arabia, Abassid and Ottaman eras. May the clouds of educational and scientific bankruptcy hovering over the Muslim world disperse soon!
(Author is a Teacher and a Columnist. He can be reached at: [email protected])