Awantipora October 20th: The 3-day International Conference, ‘Culture, Heritage and Spirituality of Kashmir: Retrospect and Prospect’, organised by Islamic University of Science and Technology (IUST) on 18 October 2022 culminated with a valedictory session on Thursday.
Prof.Shakil Ahmad Romshoo, Honorable Vice Chancellor IUST delivered the Presidential address. He congratulated the organisers for the successful completion of the event and bringing people from diverse backgrounds and fields to discuss varied themes of the topic. Concluding his address, Prof. Romshoo reiterated that IUST will always spearhead initiatives for the promotion of Culture, Heritage and Spirituality in Kashmir and simultaneously work towards creating community, industrial and alumni connect as a part of University’s outreach program.
Prof Manzoor Ahmad Malik, Dean Academic Affairs IUST, summed up the proceedings of the conference in his address wherein he talked about the various papers presented. Prof. Malik, ended the talk by thanking the women of IUST for doing such a great job and for their contribution is such endeavors of the varsity.
Delivering the vote of thanks, Dean Outreach, IUST Prof. Lily Want, expressed deep sense of gratitude for HVC for spearheading such events. She went on to thank Prof. Manzoor Ahmad Malik, Dean Academic Affairs IUST and chair of the conference for successfully organizing the event. Concluding her address, Prof. Want thanked all the chairs, rapporteurs and various committees who worked hard to make the conference a huge success. A special mention was also given to the sponsors J&K Bank, Zaffron Groups and Lighthouse café.
The conference was a Pan IUST Centre initiative by centres such as Averroes Centre for Philosophical Studies, Habba Khatoon Centre for Language and Literature and International Centre for Spiritual Studies.
The 3-day conference saw detailed discussions on key priority areas of Culture and Heritage, Language and Literature, History, Philosophy & Spirituality of Kashmir, held with renowned International and National academicians, cultural experts and speakers in different sessions.
Over a hundred research papers were presented at the conference during four plenary sessions, two symposiums, five parallel sessions and one-panel discussion under the chairmanship of Prof.Naseer Iqbal, Registrar IUST, Prof. Manzoor Ahmed Malik, Dean Academic Affairs, Prof.Ayaz Hassan Moon, Dean Research, Prof. Lily Want, Dean Outreach, Prof. H. N. Rafiabadi, I/C Director International Centre for Spiritual Studies, Prof. Majrooh Rashid, I/C Director Centre for Kashmiri Language and Literature, Prof. Abdul Rashid Bhat, Islamic Studies, Dr. Sheikh Jameil, Sr. Proctor and Assistant Professor, Islamic Studies IUST and Prof. Saleem Beg, Convener INTACH (J&K chapter).
3-day conference on ‘Culture, Heritage and Spirituality’ concludes at IUST

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