Srinagar, Mar 22: The Institution of Engineers (India), Jammu & Kashmir State Centre, Srinagar, organizeda significant seminar to mark World Water Day. The seminar, held under the theme”Water For Peace,” brought together a diverse gathering of esteemed participants,including corporate members of IEI, Executive Committee Members, Academicians,Students & other Engineers.
The event was held under the patronage of Er. Iftikhar Ahmad Hakim, Chairmanof The Institution of Engineers (India), J&K State Centre, who expressed gratitude to allparticipants for their valuable presence. Dr. Jahangeer Ali, Honorary Secretary of theinstitution, efficiently coordinated the program, ensuring its smooth execution.
The seminar was graced by distinguished personalities in the field of engineeringand water management. Er. Ajaz Rasool, a renowned Hydraulic Engineering Expert,adorned the occasion as the Chief Guest, while Er. Basharat Jeelani Kawoosa, ChiefEngineer (Retd.), honored the event as the Guest of Honour.
The panel of speakers featured prominent experts who shared their insights onvarious aspects of water management and its implications for fostering peace. Dr. KhalidMuzamil Gani, Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering at the Department ofCivil Engineering, NIT Srinagar, presented a thought-provoking PowerPoint presentation,highlighting the importance of sustainable water practices in conflict resolution.
Er. Ferdous Ahad Bhat, FIE, Honorary Joint Secretary of IEI JKSC and AssistantExecutive Engineer (Mechanical), contributed valuable perspectives on the engineeringaspects of water conservation and peace-building initiatives.
Furthermore, the seminar witnessed engaging paper presentations from Ms.Vahnitha Reddy and Ms. Farwah Hussain, Ph.D. Scholars from the Department ofChemical Engineering, NIT Srinagar, who shared their research findings and insights intoinnovative approaches to address water-related challenges.
A notable active participation of students from SSM College of Engineering,Parihaspora Pattan, and National Institute of Technology Srinagar, Hazratbal waswitnessed. Their enthusiasm and involvement added a vibrant dimension to thediscussions, showcasing the importance of engaging the next generation in criticaldialogues on water security and peace.
The seminar served as a platform for knowledge exchange, collaboration, andinspiration towards achieving sustainable water management practices and fosteringpeace in the region. The Institution of Engineers (India), Jammu & Kashmir State Centre,extends its appreciation to all participants for their valuable contributions and looksforward to continued efforts in addressing water-related challenges for a peaceful andprosperous future.