According to the website of WHO “This year, the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking was observed under the theme of “Together, we can tackle the world drug problem!”, the day is observed every year on 26th June .
According to the website “In 1987, the United Nations General Assembly decided to observe 26th June as the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking as an expression of its determination to strengthen action and cooperation to achieve the goal of an international society free of drug abuse”
If you ask me in short what is remedy? I will say again and again “Medical Treatment mixed with an unconditional love is key to treat Drug abuse”. Along with qualified counselors our senior citizens hold key to fighting this menace.
I hope together, we can help more and more drug abusers keeping in view ” MISSION WAPSI ” initiative launched by H.E. Lt. Governor of JK Mr. Manoj Sinha for drug abusers. Our elders can play a vital role. They can serve as ones who can give precious guidance.
Awareness on drug abuse on mohalla level by religious preachers, and by kind affectionate senior citizens can be a game changer. Our senior citizens have abundant knowledge.
Our civil society and elders can chalk out various awareness programs for drug abusers and their family members and friends with their locality first. For sake of clarity I will need to explain stages of drug abuse in a very simple language not strictly medical, so that we understand drug abuser is a victim and no one continues taking drugs on his/her choice.
Starting stage
On ill advise of friends or peer pressure as well as easy availability of drugs starts taking drugs to forget his/her problem or just pleasure. Another cause can be parental pressure as some parent’s wrongly think the only becoming a DOCTOR, ENGINEER or RUNNING A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS defines true success. Any way coming back to drug abusers, After some time, s/he wants to give up drugs as pleasure of taking drugs has now become a pain, emotional as well as physical. There can be varied reasons for taking drugs from break ups with girl or boy friend, seeing parents having quarrels on regular basis, childhood sexual abuse [usually by a close relative or family friend]. Now drug abuser always thinks of drugs, can reduce drug dosage or even abstain for few days. This is the stage when he reduces spending on non-drug expenses.
Middle Stage
Stage of tolerance starts [if previously he was using 6 tablets of Alprazolam or Librosar he/she uses 10 tablets per day, or even can add cannabis to his drug usage. Personal hygiene is very appalling. By now s/he has hidden supply of drugs, drug abuser is desperate, s/he can sell his brand new car for even some thousand rupees.
3rd and 4th Stage
This is the stage when drug abuser is totally under control of multiple drugs but tries hard to give drugs; he is in agony and pain while the family or friends think he is enjoying drugs and call him by derogatory names. The line between regular use and risky use/abuse is a very thin one, but is usually defined as continued use of drugs in spite of severe social and legal consequences. What might have begun as a temporary form of escape can quickly lead to more serious problems! This is the stage where the warning signs of addiction will begin to appear: craving, preoccupation with the drug, and symptoms of depression, irritability and fatigue if the drug is not used.
Physical dependence on a drug is often intertwined with addiction
Characteristics of dependence and drug addiction include withdrawal symptoms and compulsive use of the drug despite severe negative consequences to his or her relationships, physical and mental health, personal finances, job security and criminal record.
Withdrawal Symptoms
When a drug abuser starts to give up drugs s/he experiences severe symptoms which can vary but most commonly are: severest of severe back pain, abnormal heart palpitations, drenching in sweat, loose motions.
Number of drug abusers varies from country to country or from state to state
It is impossible for any government to reach all drug abusers, so we can create locality wise health centers’ where general health as well as mental health counseling or guidance can be done.
- Role of Rich and well established industries is also important, although many can help by spreading awareness on drug abuse, for a start let us not use derogatory terms like “Drug ADDICTS, instead use drug ABUSERS. If we want drug abusers to take medical help or remain drug free after rehabilitation, then giving respect and earning trust is must.
- Imparting skills to former drug abusers so that their self esteem is enhanced and they don’t fall in trap of drug mafia.
- Don’t lock drug abuser in a room, thinking his habit will die, in these cases heart attack is common.
- If drug abuser has stopped taking drugs don’t remind him/her of his past deeds.
Elders can give their rich experience and realistic hope to drug abusers. Religious preachers and senior citizens have important role in identification and prevention of drug abuse in Kashmir or in any other place. The eternal joy one can get by helping even one drug abuser is eternal and cannot be expressed in words, it can be only felt.
So won’t you feel tempted to feel this joy?
(Author is a medical practitioner and can be mailed at: [email protected])