Srinagar, Nov 13: A weeklong workshop on ‘Brand for Market’ commenced at Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir, Shalimar campus on Monday.
The workshop was organised by the SKUAST-K’s Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship (SKIIE) Centre under the sponsorship of the National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP) for the institutional development of the varsity to create awareness among participants about brand equity, product formation and technology leverage.
The workshop began with a welcome address by the Chief Executive Officer, SKIIE Centre, Naveed Hamid, who gave an overview of the workshop and its purposes and introduced various topics and experts of the seven-day workshop.
Umer Qadir Sofi, an Associate Professor at the University of Latvia, who has distinguished expertise in marketing and branding, conducted the first session. Sofi gave a broader overview of brand development, branding trends and the fundamentals of brand extensions to help participants and budding entrepreneurs and startups pitch their products and technologies to market with high confidence.
At the end of the session, a Q&A session was held in which participants asked various queries to clear their doubts. Team SKIIE Centre is coordinating the workshop.
Workshop on branding, marketing commences at SKUAST-K

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