International Women’s Day
“Women” is a strong term. It’s charming because it reflects love, care, nourishment, obligations, responsibilities, strength, eternity, maternity and so on. A woman is the mirror of the society. When it is marginalized, it is oppressed; if it is brought up, society is brought up; if it is strengthened, it is empowered. A woman is like a society atom, without which nothing would be there. She maintains culture and customs and brings them out. She’s the one who cares about her husband and his family. In other words, she creates everything in society. A woman (mother) is her child, the first teacher; she is the first doctor to treat her children lovingly. She is the first teacher to teach her children, the first partner to play games with her children. Her function is enormous in the development of her child.
A woman cannot be thanked enough for her indefinite position and constant responsibility towards her children, family, community and society. When a woman gives birth to a child, she creates the future of the home, society, and the country. The development of society is not possible without the development of women. Being educated by women has also accelerated the health and development of children. Women are the primary caregivers of children and elders in every country of the world. International studies demonstrate that when the economy and political organization of a society change, women take the lead in helping the family adjust to new realities and challenges. Women create life, hold families together and lead communities with strength and resolve.
The role of women is at the front end of the chain of improvements leading to the families and community’s long-term capacity. Women are the nation’s founders. According to the Secretary General of the United Nations, women account for 50 percent of human capital, the greatest human resource next only to man with great potential. Women have significant roles to play within society an in social, political, economic, cultural and religious spheres, the role of women is well recognized. In these areas, they are capable of effectively participating because they have effective skills and abilities
Napoleon said, “Give me good mothers and I will give you a good nation.” Women are the cornerstone to the quality and sustainable growth of a family, which builds a healthy society. They play different roles as a head, a director, a family income manager and last but not least, a mother. She inspires people to make great efforts and to make good things in their lives. They have sustained society’s development and shaped the nation’s future. Women play a critical role in various sectors in the current dynamic social scenario. They can no longer be seen as mere harbingers of peace, but as the source of strength and sign of change. A woman aims to build the community better, as education enables women to react to opportunities, question their conventional roles and change life circumstances. Women are a religious institution for teenage boys and girls to deliver a spiritual speech to remove juvenile crime problems from society. They also play a key role in pre-and post-marital counseling for teenagers with respect to sexually transmitted illnesses. Their aim is to raise awareness of human rights, women’s and children’s rights, bank credit, various immunization programmes for people with low social and economic status.
Today, most people think of working women as independent when we speak about women’s empowerment. But empowered women are those who decide to remain or have to remain at home to play the part of a wife, daughter-in-law, and mother. They are the start of growth. They are the ones without whom a man cannot go to work. It is by the support of a mother who lives at home that society works, the country develops. Her various unpaid and unknown works are the cause of the development of every society. Today, the median female share of the global workforce is 45.4 percent. Women’s formal and informal labor can transform a community from a relatively autonomous society to a participant in the national economy. Despite significant obstacles, women’s small businesses in rural developing communities not only can be an extended family’s lifeline, but can form a networked economic foundation for future generations.
The role of women in the urban and rural workforce has expanded exponentially in recent decades. Today the number of women entering the Indian Administrative Service or IAS through the UPSC’s Civil Services Examination and other such prestigious exams has been averaging at around 30 per cent since 2014 and are also making history at NASA, in addition to be the Doctors, Engineers, Police Officers, Politicians, Ministers, Educationists, Home makers and so on. Our society says; most valuable things on the earth are ‘women’. Let’s salute to every woman on this earth. Women are the real architects of society; they can create anything they want.
It’s time we realize the importance of gender equality and start working towards providing equal opportunities and respect to women. The encouraging fact is that more than ever before, today’s young women have more choices and control in their lives. The fostering of a woman’s self-worth and decision-making power is important so that she has complete control over her own life inside and outside the home. The young and energetic women of our society are leaving no stone unturned to prove themselves to the world and despite many hurdles are achieving more than their male counterparts. Female millennials are becoming a larger part of the workforce as they are more career confident and career ambitious than the generations gone before them.
8th March is International Women’s Day. The day that acts as a definite reminder to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements and very existence of the silent performers and the real multi-taskers. The studies have proved that the women are better multi-taskers than men as they continue to do the lion’s share of household and childcare tasks, while also excelling at part- or full-time work. Working women mostly work double shifts. It’s amazing to see working mothers who are juggling work and life in a very well-played symphony. This, however, does not belittle the importance of the homemakers. Homemakers have unfailingly proved to be better and bigger multi-taskers than anyone else. A far greater percentage of women around the world can now make their own choices about education, career, healthcare, investments, and marriage. In our society, women play an important role from birth till death. Despite showing proficiency in all their roles, in today’s modern era, women seem to be standing behind men. In a male dominated society, the ability of a woman is seen as less than that of a man.
Despite the government running many awareness programs, the life of a woman has become much more complicated than that of a man. If we compare the condition of women today with the condition of mythological society, then it is clearly visible that there has been some improvement in the situation. Women have started working and contributing towards household expenses. In many areas, women have overtaken men. Day by day girls are making such records on which not only the family or society but the whole country is feeling proud.
The Government of India is also not lagging behind in the upliftment of women. In the last few years, many schemes have been run by the government which are helping women to break social shackles and at the same time motivating them to move forward. Along with closing the old times, the government has banned them legally. The main ones were child marriage, feticide, dowry system, child labor, domestic violence etc. After banning all these legally, the status of women in the society has improved a lot. The woman works for the betterment of others by tying herself in different relationships all her life we have seen women in different forms like sister, mother, wife, daughter etc.
“Man can never be a woman’s equal in the spirit of selfless service with which nature has endowed her”……………….Mahatma Gandhi
(M Ahmad is a regular writer for this newspaper and can be reached at