Police on Thursday booked two notorious thieves under Public Safety Act (PSA) after obtaining necessary sanction from the authorities in Central Kashmir’s Budgam district.
A Police spokesperson said that two habitual notorious thieves namely Azad Mukhtar Son of Mukhtar Ahmad Hajam R/O Hanjiveera Khushbahar colony Tehsil Pattan District Baramulla and Altaf Ahmad Dar son of Ghulam Mohammad Dar R/O Hanjiveera colony Tehsil Pattan District Baramulla were detained under Public Safety Act by Budgam Police for their unrelenting criminal acts of burglary and theft.The booked notorious thieves have been detained and subsequently lodged in Kot Bhalwal Jail Jammu
Pertinent to mention that the booked thieves were involved in 14 cases of burglary and theft in different Police Stations across Kashmir.
Police Station Magam FIRs 06 14/2023 (Both Involved) 15/2023(Both Involved) 161/2018, 28/2021
Police Station Pattan 08 FIRs 11/2021 (both involved) 32/2023(both involved) 141/2019, 73/2022, 86/2022, 38/2016.