Government of India has given emphasis on Civic Action Programme under which activities of Veterinary Civic Action Programme is being conducted by Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB).
Under its public outreach programme and as goodwill gesture Sashastra Seema Bal 10 Battalion, Batmaloo organized Veterinary camp for animals of residents of Manasbal area of Ganderbal on 17/08/2023.Dr.Ghanshyam Patel, Deputy Commandant (Vety), 5 Bn SSB and Dr. Rayeez Ahmad, VAS, ICD Vet Hospital Batwina along with a team of SSB examined and treated 469 animals (Bovine-136, Equine-121, Sheep/Goat-186 & Calf-26), free medicines were distributed for the animals. People in huge numbers from Manasbal area took advantage of this camp.
During the programme,local were given awareness about common diseases of various animals and also passed guidelines for maintenance of goodhealth of theanimals.
Apart from above, Dr. Firdosh Jamil, DC (MO) and Dr. Arun Choudahry, AC (MO) of 10 Bn SSB had also given awarenesson how to make India free fromHIV/AIDS, Nesha (Drugs) and TB diseasesduring the said VCA programme.
Commandant, 10 Battalion SSB Sh. Rohitashwa said that such programme would continuously be organized in the future also. He also stated that such events create a good image of the force and develop a sense of security among the local people and SSB. The SSB is always with the common people and doing its best for the welfare of the local people in the area.