Jammu and Kashmir Police on Friday has arrested two drug peddlers including SPO in North Kashmir’s Baramulla and 250 grams of contraband Charas like substance recovered from his possession.
A Police spokesperson said, “Police under the supervision of Sajjad Bukhari-JKPS, DySP Hqrs Baramulla assisted by DySP Prob Naveed Qazi-JKPS, SHO PS Baramulla arrested 2 Drug Peddlers namely Tariq Ahmad Sheikh (SPO) & Aashiq Ahmad Sheikh sons of Faqir Mohammad Sheikh both residents of Singhbagh Khawajabagh Baramulla who were arrested during routine patrolling at Singhbagh Khawajabagh Baramulla who tried to flee from the spot but were apprehend tactfully by the patrolling party.”
The spokesperson said that during further questioning of these drug peddlers, it came forth that Tariq Ahmad Sheikh is working in J&K Police as SPO and is posted at DPL Baramulla. Moreover, departmental action has been initiated against him.
“During their personal search *250 grams of contraband Charas like substance was recovered from them and were taken into custody immediately”, he said.
Police said that case under NDPS Act registered in Police Station Baramulla and investigations set in motion.