Srinagar, Oct 31: SKUAST-Kashmir organized one day “Training-cum-Oats Seed Distribution Programme” under the banner of Holistic Agriculture Development Programme entitled “Development of Seed and Seed Multiplication Chain PPP Mode” and “Promotion of Nutri-Cereals (Millets) at Theed falling under the jurisdiction of KVK, Srinagar; wherein more than 100 participants including farmers, Officers of Agriculture Department, resource persons from KVK, Srinagar participated.
In the inaugural session, Prof. Shamim Ahmad Simnani, Head, KVK, Srinagar welcomed the participants. He gave an overview of various extension activities carried by KVK, Srinagar in disseminating various University generated technologies to the farming community. He advised the farming community to work in close coordination with KVKs for redressal of various problems.
He also emphasized upon various activities carried by University in coordination with Department of Agriculture in execution of mandated activities under HADP Projects. Addressing the in the inaugural function. Prof. M. Ashraf Bhat, Head, Plant Biotechnology and Principal Investigator of Seed and Millet Projects gave an overview of various technologies and information on various climate resilient varieties for food and nutritional security in the region.
He emphasized that climate change is and will be a major challenge for farming community and scientists in days to come. Scientists will have to adopt multi-disciplinary approach involving all stakeholders have to join hands to safe-guard the so socio-economic concerns of the farming community under changing climatic scenario. While deliberations, he elaborated the importance of quality seed of oats.
He laid stress upon the nutritional importance and other health benefits of oats including high fiber, low glycemic index and high fodder/seed yield. He also appealed the farmers to cultivate millets for nutritional security in the region and to address various health issues. The technical section was followed by interaction session amongst farmers, Officers of KVK, Srinagar, PI HADP Projects and Officers of Agriculture Department.
The Farmers revealed their satisfaction for conducting such workshops at Block level that will enable provision of quality seed of various crops developed at SKUAST-K for increasing food production in fragile ecosystem. Quality seed of Shalimar Fodder Oats 1 (SFO 1) was distributed free of cost among the participating farmers.
SKUAST organises ‘Training-cum-Oats Seed Distribution’ prog in Srinagar

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