Srinagar, March 21: Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir held a daylong farmers’ awareness programme on potato cultivation at the tribal belt of Sangerwani, Pulwama district.
The programme was organised by the SKUAST-K’s Division of Vegetable Science, Faculty of Horticulture with the Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Pulwama under the Tribal Sub plan of AICRP (Potato) sponsored by ICAR, Central Potato Research Institute Shimla.
The programme was attended by more than hundred tribal farmers from the area. On this occasion quality potato seed, vermicompost and seed of various vegetable crops was distributed free of cost among the farmers.
While interacting with the farmers Principal Investigator AICRP (Potato) Dr Syed Faheema Mushtaq gave a brief introduction of the project and its importance for the upliftment of farming community.
Prof and Head KVK/ETC Malangpora Dr Javeed Ahmed Mugloo, while speaking on the occasion stressed upon the participating farmers to adopt scientific practices in farming to enhance their farm income. Dr Khursheed Hussain Co-PI of the project briefed about the cultivation practices of potato crop. Dr Rukhsar, Dr Tawseef and Dr Shujat from KVK Malangpora interacted with farmers and gave onspot solutions to their queries. The farmers were highly satisfied and appreciated this joint initiative of Division of Vegetable Science and KVK/ETC Malangpora.