A detailed and a thorough research has been conducted on teaching of Maths in different Schools across J&k by the Experts at their own level in order to know the reasons that why all the students cannot understand Maths properly and following observations have been made in this regard :
Basic requirement for teaching Maths are four fundamental operations of Maths and “BODMAS”. These four fundament operations include division, multiplication, addition and Subtraction. For proper learning of Maths these fundament operations are required to be taught to all the student on following five types of numbers which include (I) Natural Number (ii) Decimal numbers (iii) Integers (iv) Rational numbers (v) Real numbers and thereafter “BODMAS” is also a requirement for proper learning and full understanding of Maths. All these fundamental operations must be taught in such a manner to all the students so that they may understand properly making use of all these operations and must gain full command over all such operations on all types of numbers. Full understand of “BODMAS” with proper use of each alphabet for particular operation or symbols viz brackets for which the alphabets have been used here.
During research it has been observed that fundamental operations are taught to the students to following extent/level only:
- On subtraction student gain 70% command.
- On Multiplication students gain 40% command.
- On Division students gain 30% command.
Then teachers proceed ahead in teaching without teaching hundred percent all the operations and hundred percent understanding and full command over all of which is necessary for learning this most important subject which can inculcate a lot of values and skills in the learner while learning it. In this way when all the four fundamental operations of Maths along with “BODMAS” are not taught properly to all the students then they(students) cannot understand this important subject properly and a burden is developed on their minds and students start thinking that studies is tough or difficult task for them.
There after either they cannot secure good percentage of marks at graduation/PG level or leave their studies midway. Candidates without proper understanding and full command over Maths cannot become extra ordinary intelligent, efficient and all round citizens. Thus without proper understanding and command over this subject students cannot achieve highest level of efficiency, capacity , capability and competency required for achieving very smart posts like teacher, plus two Lecturer, Assistant professor, Doctors, Engineer, KAS, KPS, KCS, IFS, IPS,IES and IAS and thus they cannot serve the society by way of working on these very smart posts. This is a severe problem for the students, their parents, general public, and society as well as for the School Education department. When students fail to understand Maths properly they cannot acquire requisite level of learning and thus become weak in teaching learning processes and in this way school administration cannot secure desired percentage of results in Board examination.
In view of the above all the officials/officers of School Education department including headmasters of primary, middle and High Schools, Zonal Education officer, principal of Higher Secondary Schools must ensure that henceforth all the teachers must teach all the four fundamental operations & BODMAS to the students in all the Schools so that they (students) must understand these operations properly and must gain full command over all these basic requirements for learning Maths. With full understanding & command over all the basic requirements every student will learn this subject with keen interest and will excel in studies which will help them to excel in their future career and hence they will excel in life.
Now every teacher having 10+2 qualification can teach all these operations to the students because every teacher has studied it up to secondary class as a compulsory subject. Requirement for proper learning of division and multiplication are tables and every teacher can prepare tables very easily۔ Hence no teacher can deny teaching four fundamental operation to the students in all School upto 3rd primary. With the support of DIET faculty member panel of volunteer teachers can be prepared for teaching Maths up to eighth class in all the Schools.
Purpose of writing this Article is to apprise the students, their parents and Society through the medium of this Article by publishing it in this esteemed News paper that:
- Maths is not a tough subject rather it is an easiest subject and also it makes easy learning of all other subjects.
- Highest level of efficiency, capacity, capability and competency can only be developed in the students while learning Maths.
- Every teacher can teach basic requirement for learning up to third primary and volunteer teachers can teach it up to eighth class.
- Maths finds wide use in daily life of every citizen in all walks of life.
- Every student can learn and gain full command over Maths when teachers will teach with keen interest with commitment and will be mentally prepared for this legitimate duty or which is also a noble cause keeping in view it’s need and demand.
(Author is Chief Education Officer Srinagar. Email: [email protected])