The Srinagar Municipal Corporation (SMC) on Saturday warned ‘encroachers’ to remove the illegal structures built over the Dhood Ganga Nallah, as the flood channel stretching from Alochi Bagh to Chattabal “is an important channel for the management of storm water and for preventing of urban flooding in the Srinagar City.”
A communication issued by SMC Commissioner Athar Aamir Khan reads, “Dhood Ganga Nallah from Alochi Bagh to Chatabal is an important channel for the management of storm water and for preventing of urban flooding in the Srinagar City.
“Whereas as, rejuvenation and restoration of Dhood Ganga Nallah from Alochi Bagh to Chatabal has been taken up under Srinagar Smart City Limited with Drainage Circle (Civil), SMC as the executing Agency”, it said.
It reads that it has been found that a number of encroachments and illegal structures have come up on the site of Nallah;Whereas, removal of these encroachments and illegal structures and restoration of Nallah is important for flood and storm water management in the City.
“Now, therefore, through this Public Notice, all such individuals/encroachers are given 07 days time from the issuance of this notice to remove all encroachments/illegal structures erected on and along the Nallah, failing which Srinagar Municipal Corporation shall initiate action including removal of these encroachments at the risk and cost of the offenders/encroachers”, it further reads.