The month of Ramadan is observed with profound respect in Kashmir for its utmost significance as revealed in the Holy Quran. For a large section of population in J&K, the month is about blessings, about introspections, about purification and to observe restraint. This month holds special significance for Muslims all across the globe as the month of peace and reconciliation.
Muslims throughout the world observe fasts and abstain not only from eating or drinking but also from exercising aggression. It is a month that imposes discipline and proper behaviour, renounces aggression and violence, embraces human welfare, and all that without any external coercion.
Fasting is just one component; the essence of Ramadan is to try best to capacities and faculties to be good human beings. The humanitarian aspect, unfortunately, does not receive much attention as many people consider abstaining from food and water to be central to the idea of Ramadan or month of restraint and blessings. It is a fact and not restricted to Kashmir or any particular Muslim nation, that in this month all provocations, intimidations or hostilities are minimized to significant levels.
Every year we have this window of opportunity and it would be remarkable on part of society at large to work on similar lines. All through the calendar year we hear and see the good side and the bad side of the story and never does the time stop or an alarm ring to allow us a breather, an introspection as how we are actually performing. That goes true for the administration and the government as well. They must also make an attempt to briefly stop for a moment and reflect upon their work actions.
Given a choice, the citizens or human beings would prefer a harmonious and peaceful existence. But due to conflicting interests and inability of humans and human institutions to address the problems in proper manner, the world gets to see so much violence these days. And when this conflict and violence really gets the ruled and the rulers, it puts everything in perpetuity with no stopping.
We all need to stop a while and must observe restraint and try to learn to be humans, good humans. Let as all spread love, mercy and compassion in this blessed month and try to get closer to Allah (SWT), the best we could. May this holy month bring peace and happiness in our lives and all over the world!
(Author is a research scholar in Islamic Studies)