The Jammu and Kashmir Police on Thursday said that they had arrested a Rajasthani woman for kidnapping a 4-year-old child in the Dalwash village of the Khag tehsil in Central Kashmir’s Budgam district.
An police official said that Police Station Khag has received information that one lady who was begging in the Dalwash village of the Khag tehsil, kidnapped a 4-year-old child, namely Ahil Ahmad Pandith, son of Ghulam Mohi-Din Pandith, resident of Dalwash, Khag.
“The lady concealed him under her scarf.” Some women turned suspicious and informed police station Khag. “After that, the police team from the police station Khag reached the spot along with lady police personnel, recovered the kidnapped boy from her possession, and arrested lady on the spot,” an official said.
He identified the accused lady as Chidi Devi, wife of Khana Ram, a resident of Dhannasar, Hanumangarh, Rajasthan.
“A Case FIR number 17/2023 under relevant sections of law has been registered at Police Station Khag and an investigation taken up.The boy has been handed over to his parents after completing the medical and legal formalities,” official informed.