Mind your manners, O my pen, and put up an adornment of humbleness in your tongue.
Flow your ink in reverence and open up with profound manners and extreme etiquettes.
For it is the arrival of light in Amina’s (A.S.) Home, the Coming of Al Mustafa (SAW).
Write up a Nasheed in praise of the Master of Messengers (SAW), worthy of his August station.
A Nasheed in praise of his arrival from your tongue may be your saviour in this world and the Hereafter.
O Muhammad, O beloved of Our Lord (SAW)
My ink is so poor and pen so fumble to write in your praise.
Your eminent self is glorified by the Lord Most High Himself.
If it were not for You, My Lord wouldn’t have created the heavens and the earth.
O Sahib-ul-Maqam, Praise be to your exalted station which Lord has granted no other than You.
The Station where Lord has preferred to place your Name with His Holy Name.
Your beautiful names decor and adorn whole of the Holy Quran.
From Taha to Yasin and Muzamil to Mudasir, your names are like glittering pearls embellishing the glorious Quran.
O Sahib ul-Fadeelah,Your being is the most beautiful and perfect model of life for all.
With your coming O Muhammad S.a.w., light has spread everywhere in the universe.
With your arrival, O Sahib-ul-Khayar, the springs of good have come to abundance.
O Muhammad (SAW), You have come with the light of heavens.
Your coming has dispelled the clouds of gloom and ignorance.
Your arrival has come as a hope for the depressed.
Your arrival has come as a sword of Justice.
With your arrival falsehood has perished and truth has Triumphed.
The order you gave is permanent and generational change.
The way you have shown is forward straight and the way of Al Haq (Truth.)
O Glorious Messenger, You were the light shining in the forehead of Prophet Adam. (A.s)
You are the granted prayer of Prophet Abraham (A.s).
Your Coming was heralded by Prophet Jesus (A.s).
Rejoice O people, the Noor of heavens has come.
Rejoice O people, the mercy to the mankind has come.
Rejoice O people, Your saviour has come.
Rejoice O people, Your intercessor has come.
O Glorious Messenger there is much to write in your praise.
You are the leader of Prophets.
And the seal of Messengers.
You are the best among the mankind.
You are the mercy for the whole creation.
Your station is so high, In your obedience, Allah has declared His obedience for us.
May peace be upon You, O Mohammad (SAW)
May Salutations be upon you, O Sahib ut-Taj wal Mi’raj (SAW)
May Salutations be upon you, O Saiyed ul-Mursalin (SAW)
My words will run out but your praise will remain.
Your attributes are glorified by The Lord, Most High, Himself.
This is a but a little endeavour.
Accept my little gratitude and humbleness.
Mixed with tears of untold love.
For being a better guide and strong teacher to connect me with My Lord.
O Sahib ush-Shafa’h, Please be my intercessor with my Lord on the Day of Rising.
So that I may have His Mercy and favour in this world and the hereafter.
And let this Nasheed in praise of your arrival, O Saiyed ul-Khawnain, be my success in both the worlds.
Your servant.
Rouf Maqbool.
(Author can be mailed at [email protected])