Substance abuse refers to the harmful use of psychoactive substances including alcohol and illicit drugs. It is like a fatal virus targeting our young generation. Drug Addiction is also emerging to be a serious concern in the country, especially among the younger generation leading to dangerous consequences. Drug abuse has increased the crime rate and had an overall detrimental impact on society. Prevention has proven to be the most effective strategy to counter this problem. To combat this menace among youth and make India free of drugs, the government of India under the Ministry of Social justice and empowerment launched the Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyan on 15 August 2020. The Abhiyan was launched in 272 districts identified by the Narcotics Control Bureau as the most vulnerable in terms of the usage of drugs in the country.
The initiative intends to raise awareness among the masses on drug abuse with a focus on higher educational institutes, university campuses and schools, reaching out to the community and identifying the dependent population, targeting counselling sessions and treatment facilities available for drug addicts and capacity building programs for service providers. The initiative aims to launch a three-pronged approach through Committees at District Level, State Level and monitoring by the Central Committee.
The Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyan is also being held in different districts of Kashmir with the main aim to spread mass awareness of drug abuse and its impact on society. The administration as well as civil society members have put their heads together to support the initiative to eradicate this nuisance from society. As per the report of National Crime Records Bearue, 70,000 people are drug addicts in Kashmir alone and among them, 31% are women as projected by the report of the United Nation Drug Control program. The recent data by NCRB also reveals a 35% increase in drug abuse cases in 2021 as compared to the cases registered in 2020. 90% of drug abusers fall in the age group of 17-33. This indicates that youth are mostly involved in drug addiction. The JK is also placed at 5th spot by the National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences on the magnitude of substance abuse in the country.
The official data by the agencies is a clear indication of strong efforts needed to be taken on the ground to stop youth from falling prey to drugs. A robust mechanism has to be in place and everyone has to work indomitably to uproot this evil from society. The Nasha Mukht Bharat Abiyan can be a very strong initiative to combat the menace of drug addiction. Strong campaigning and public participation are of immense importance. Let everyone pledge for drugs free society and work as a strong unit in this direction.
(The Author works with Child Protection Services, Govt. Of UT of Jammu and Kashmir)