Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha on Thursday inaugurated multiple development projects worth more than Rs. 26 Cr in North Kashmir’s Kupwara district.
Lt Governor said that the border district has embarked on a significant capacity building in infrastructure sector. In current FY, J&K admin is targeting to complete 3241 works to ensure future growth & progress of all areas.
“Kupwara’s developmental journey over last 3 years has been phenomenal. In last FY, 2444 development works completed, J&K Admin gave a big boost to tourism sector to transform socio-economic condition of people of this beautiful region & to provide expanded opportunities to youth.”, he said.
LG Sinha said, “First ever grid connectivity for Keran & Machil in 73 years was provided during 2021-22 enabling 19 Panchayats close to LoC to chart new pathways of progress and prosperity to secure their future as well as that of future generations.”
Adding to it he said that 20 major infrastructural projects worth more than Rs 3144 Cr are under execution in Kupwara, which will be the key to future growth, bring prosperity to the population in rural and urban areas and expand the base of local market and promote entrepreneurship.
“J&K is the new success story in the country today. Our overall economic growth is demonstrating resilience and strength and scripting considerable achievement in every sector, bringing improvement in the lives of the people to build a strong Union Territory”, he said.