Jammu, Oct 01: Apni Party’s KP Displaced Forum members led by SomnathDhar met Apni Party General Secretary Vijay Bakaya at the Party office in Gandhi Nagar Saturday.
A statement from the party said that they raised the issue of delayed release of ration and lamented that the administration had not provided any ration to migrants for the last three months and were being harassed for reasons not known.
The other issue they mentioned was about missing names from the revised electoral rolls.
They expressed anger that they were being denied their right to vote and the Relief Commissioners office was not able to rectify the position.
Bakaya stated that the administration has time and again been causing disruption in the distribution of ration to migrants and has shown callous disregard for their need.He urged that in this matter procedural problems should not be allowed to derail a system which has been in vogue for the last 32 years.
He demanded immediate release of the pending ration.
Bakaya also stated that after the abolition of the system of M Forms more and more Migrant KP’s are keen to register as voters and it is important that the process is simplified and all bona-fide voters are enlisted.
He also hoped that the omission of votes from the voter lists of 2019 be rectified and updated so that all eligible become entitled to vote. He suggested that special camps be organized for this purpose.
The following were part of the delegation SomnathDhar, State General Secretary Youth Wing, AbhayBakaya, Vice District President Jammu Urban, VaibhavMattoo, Vishal Jotshi, VivekSaproo, VinodKoul, Dewarikanath, Virender Kumar Mantoo, BimlaKumari, Ashok Bhat and others.
KP Displaced Forum members seek release of ration to migrants pending from last three months

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