Ruchira Kamboj, India’s Permanent Representative at the UN while speaking at the Inter-Governmental Negotiations on Security Council Reform on Friday made very significant statement. She said ,”Equity demands that every nation irrespective of its size or power, be afforded an equal opportunity…to shape global decision-making,” Speaking on behalf of India and other non-permanent members in general she stressed, “Our question therefore is how much longer will the will of five members continue to override the collective voice of 188 member states?” The entire global order has changed and is moving towards an era that is no more a multipolar one. After the Second World War United Nations emerged as the organisation that guaranteed the world peace and development aimed to mitigate the war or war like situations to save the humanity from the crimes and suffering that are integral to war. Be it genocide or holocaust that has devastated the humanity during the previous World Wars. To operationalize the objective of the world peace. The United Nations constituted the Security Council that comprises of five permanent members. These are US, China, Russia, France and Britain.There has been no addition of the new member states to the Security Council from a considerably long time. It has rendered it full of inertia. These five members have the power to veto the decisions of the other non-permanent member states. Thus making it an organisation that lacks equitable participations of all the 188 nations impossible. India has been rising and its reach in the international affairs is predominantly important. Be it peace keeping or humanitarian aid. China has been creating hurdles and opposing the India’s inclusion as the permanent member of the Security Council. It wants to impose its hegemony to overlord the Asian nations. It fears that if India’s is included in the Security Council as a permanent member then China wont be able to spearhead its imperialistic designs to subjugate the nations in and around the India’s neighbourhood. Strangulating the India’s geo-strategic imperatives China has been perusing the policy fd string pearls to shrink India’s sphere of influence. The recent belligerence of Maldives against India was designed at the behest of China. Its One Belt One Road (OBOR) is again meant to encircle India and dismantle the Northern Frontiers to pose a security and economic threat to India. It uses Pakistan as a proxy to destabilise India and in turn bails it out in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).China has been bailing out Pakistan from the stigma of being epicentre of terrorism and its continued support of cross-border terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir meant to balkanise India.Though it has rendered Pakistan as its colony but the Pakistan’s military junta terms Pakistan-China nexus as all-weather friendship. Crisis in Balochistan proves it that China has colonised its provinces to a greater extent. China has forgotten that it got the permanent membership of the UNSC with the blessings of India’s First Prime Minister, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru. Nehru had advocated the inclusion of China instead of India in the Security Council. He had hoped that it will reinforce the India-China friendship. But it proved otherwise. Instead of nurturing friendship with India it indulged in the violation of the India’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. It is diplomatically and geo-strategically apt to show China the mirror so that the international community is internalised about the imperialistic designs of China. China can’t be allowed to act an overlord that keeps Indian rise as hostage to its fissiparous tendencies. By acting against the Indian interests in the Security Council China is destabilising Asia in particular and the rest of the world in general. Without the Indian inclusion in the Security Council, it cant emerge as the guarantor of the world peace.