“Sanction is accorded to the post-facto Administrative Approval for construction of theatre block at SMHS Hospital Srinagar within DPR amount Rs 5024.74 lakhs (Fifty Crore, Twenty-Four lakh and Seventy-Four Thousand) only on the approved components,” the H&ME said in an order issued today.
The demand had been pending with the government for the past two years and has finally been approved, expected to enhance patient care at the hospital.
However, the administrative approval is subject to conditions that the works are strictly executed as per details enclosed at Annexure-A and item-wise reflections provisioned in DPR duly vetted by Development Commissioner (Works), PW(R&B) Department and all codal formalities as contained in Financial Rules (GFR-2017) be adhered to in letter & spirit.
“The proposals shall be strictly devised and designed as per latest relevant I.S codes and specifications of MoRTH/PWD/CPWD and same is authenticated and proof checked by the competent authority (NIT/DIQC),” the order said.
It said that while designing, latest HFL has to be taken into consideration for flood prone locations and adequate design need to be incorporated for making the structures resistant to earthquakes, to avoid any loss of property/life.
“Electrical/Mechanical and Electronic Components should be authenticated and technically vetted by the competent authorities of relevant field. Standard specifications be followed as per CPWD, NBC and I.S standards,” it said.
It said that rates for the items, not covered in JK SSR or any other relevant Schedule, shall conform to analysis of rates based on authentic Data Book, to be computed and approved by competent authority before invitation of tenders following set codal procedures.
“That the lump sum provisions, either in terms of percentage, plinth area rate per unit area or fixed as made for certain components in the DPR are provisional and shall be subject to detailed estimates based on actual details/requirements and relevant rates, to be framed and approved by competent authorities before invitation of tenders per set codal procedures,” the order said.
It also said that the provision for “Demolishing of Old Drug Store, Office Canteen Block” is provisional and shall be subject to detailed estimate, based actual details of demolition and relevant rates, to be framed and approved by competent authorities well before invitation of tenders per set procedures.
As per the order the e-tendering mode should be followed for fixation of award of contract for execution of the project adding fragmentation of project, while tendering, is not allowed.
“That the working BOQs, based on approved design details/requirements, are framed as per J&K PWD Schedule of Rates for e-tendering purpose of the project.” It said that the work shall be completed and made fully functional within the estimated Technical Vetted amount.
“The technical vetting is exclusively for purpose of Accord of Administrative Approval and shall not be construed as any rate approval to projects or any approval for inclusion in the plan,” it said.
The order also states that the timeline must be strictly followed, with no cost escalation or time overrun permitted under any circumstances.
The NoC from all regulatory authorities must be obtained before commencing work, and a necessary load-bearing capacity test of the soil shall be conducted on-site.
“That the instant accord of post-facto Administrative Approval includes components of Phase-1 approved vide G.O No. 208-JK (HME) of 2021 dated 18.03.2021, and forms part in Annexure-A appended herewith,” the order added.
Following the decision, Prof. (Dr.) Iqbal Saleem, Head of the Department of Minimal Access and General Surgery at GMC Srinagar, expressed pride that the Council of Ministers has approved the resumption of work on the new surgical theatre block at SMHS Hospital.
“I on behalf of my whole department want to thank the Secretary H&ME Department, Dr Syed Abid Rasheed Shah and Principal GMC Srinagar, Professor (Dr.) Iffat Hassan Shah for finally managing to get the approval,” he said.
Dr Saleem also thanks Prof. Shoukat Jeelani and Prof. Mufti Mahmood who worked to pave the way for the project. “I am sure that the patients from our UT will benefit from the new state-of-the-art theatres,” he added.