Srinagar, Nov 02: The administration of Government Medical College Srinagar has directed the heads of its associated hospitals to ensure rational deployment of available manpower after it conducted a manpower audit.
Earlier before the directions were issued, GMC Srinagar had received complaints that medical officers, paramedical staff posted in the associated hospitals have not been deployed rationally and some HODS are facing difficulties in carrying out their activities owing to the non-availability of adequate staff.
As per a circular issued by the GMC administration, a team of officers/officials from the administration recently visited most of the associated hospitals of GMC Srinagar for conducting a manpower audit.
“During the manpower audit, it has been found that in some hospitals, Medical Officer and paramedical staff were directly deployed with HODs/HOUS/Consultants & the concerned Medical Superintendents have no control over such staff which is a flagrant violation of Govt. Order of 2022,” the circular said.
The GMC Srinagar administration has also issued instructions that all the medical officers, paramedical staff & non-gazetted staff including MTS posted in associated hospitals of GMC Srinagar including those attached with the HODS/HOUS/Consultants or other officers shall deem themselves been placed at the disposal of the respective Medical Superintendents.
“Henceforth all their papers like attendance, APRs, work and conduct, integrity certificates, NOCs etc. shall be processed and signed by the concerned Medical Superintendents,” it said.
The Medical Superintendents have been directed to ensure judicious and rational utilization/deployment of the available manpower in accordance with the patient footfall and workload of each department.
“They shall undertake staff distribution exercise in consultation with the concerned HODS. All the HODs shall put forth their demands for staff deployment to concerned MS and approach this office only when the MS fails to fulfil their demands,” the circular mentions.
The Medical Superintendents have been instructed to periodically rotate the staff at their disposal between different units/sections in consultation with the concerned HODS, so that they get acquainted with all the procedures.
“It is clarified that every employee is liable to be transferred after completion of a specified term at a particular place and no one is above law. It shall be mandatory for every paramedical/nursing staff to get a certificate from concerned MS at the time of promotion that he/she has worked in all sections/units of the hospital and is capable of handling any assignment related to his/her job. In case any employee fails to get such a certificate, or expresses inability to perform any assignment related to his/her job, the same shall be reflected in his/her APRS & other service records,” the circular said.
Based on the selections made by the J&K Service Selection Board, GMC said adequate paramedical & nursing staff has been recently provided to all the associated hospitals.
It notes that it has come to the fore that some technical personnel in hospitals are deployed on clerical, other extraneous jobs to create artificial scarcity/shortage of the staff.
“The Medical Superintendents are warned to desist from this practice and utilize the available manpower properly for the purpose they have been trained/appointed,” it said.
The GMC has also taken serious note that charges of some vital sections/schemes in the hospitals have been entrusted to staff engaged on contract/academic arrangement/ outsourcing basis.
“The Medical Superintendents are directed to stop this undesirable practice forthwith and utilize services of such staff exclusively for purpose they have been engaged and no charge be assigned to them,” it added.
GMC Srinagar orders rational manpower deployment post audit

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