Samba, Dec 12: Krishi Vigyan Samba, under the leadership of Vice Chancellor, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Jammu, Professor J.P. Sharma and under the direct supervision of Dr. S.K. Gupta on Monday organized a one-day in-service training program on “Integrated Nutrient Management in Vegetables” which was attended by sixteen officers from Department of Agriculture, Samba.
The program started with the welcome address by Prof. Sanjay Khajuria, Chief Scientist & Head in which he welcomed all the officers of the line department and gave a brief outline of the program. He discussed in detail the importance of nutrient management in various crops and said that how the excessive use of fertilizers is harmful to human health. He spoke about the horticulture-based agroforestry system for generating income from available resources from the farmers.
Dr. Neerja Sharma, Senior Scientist, Horticulture and Coordinator of the training program talked about Integrated Nutrient Management in vegetable crops. She suggested the officers go for organic vegetable cultivation on their own land to make it more healthy and profitable farming.
Dr. Vijay Kumar Sharma, Scientist, Animal Sciences threw light on the role and scope of backyard poultry-based manure to carry on organic farming. He discussed about the techniques of making vermin compost and the importance of Integrated Nutrient Management.
Dr. Shalini spoke about integrated nutrient management to improve soil health as well as to reduce the ill effect of excessive use of chemical fertilizers. The program ended with a vote of thanks by Dr. Vijay Kumar Sharma.