Growing old is a physiological process. But evolving is something different rather enviable. Being an old soul isn’t about changing you at all; it is actually about refining your wisdom and understanding to embrace maturity. Your journey as an old soul with passion and patience becomes a beautiful balance of cherishing your innate strength and growing through new experiences.
Your physique turns old, weak and finally dies to vanish. But the soul it carries walks parallel to it witnessing calmly what is happening to body, throughout. That is a live soul. It grows but doesn’t turn to be old the way body does. It embraces reason and realities to become a guiding force. It becomes a unique blend of timeless wisdom and modern spirit. Such traits become your strength and are less affected by the descending body.
The soul evolved so sails brilliantly while navigating through the turbulence of life. It becomes a visible inspiration for others with calmness and resilient traits. Allowing soul to join body is a deadly negotiation. Once the wrinkles of face and forehead start to reflect through your soul, the life stops to live in its pure spiritual sense. It continues to live and die while facing small hits.
We all are here on mission. And, the mission, small or big, is usually accomplished during the older part of the life. All great men in history have shown us to throw away the ‘old soul’ label for a moment and focus on how you live inside. That leads you to your real purpose of life. A small tuning of your mind can change your world upside down. Just ask yourself, ‘how old would you be if you forget how old you are’? These few words bring your heart and mind in line and create a new powerful equation in which the sensation of being ‘outsider looking in’ dies and disappears. The positivity emits around and spiritual awakening begins to triumph over the physical forces which routinely put you in the whirlpool of cognitive tumultuous where you feel lost, confused, and alienated from social rules, expectations and hard weird patterns.
This is actually soulful maturing outgrowth. The more we experience the illusions and deceptions around, the more we direct ourselves to set for a journey of true happiness and inner joy irrespective of years passed. The deeper we search, the closer we reach the maturity to connect with our souls even in older ages. Body has to make a way for this joyful journey to feel the existence of soul consciously and always actively reconnect with it. So, the phrase ‘aged soul’ is purely metaphorical rather than literal, emphasizing a sweet relationship equation, irrespective of being an aged body. Here, soul turns to be helpful and engaging for a fearless and influential life.
What makes you wise, young and passionate at heart beyond your years is the desire to content yourself with material gain you possess and social status you hold. Achieving the status of being calm is actually reflecting the age of your soul. Generally, we wait a lot to realize this reality. We push all good things to our last days. We forget to remind that waiting is less enjoyable here. Delaying goodness to older days is fundamentally a sense of helplessness because even venomous snakes turn to be straight before reaching the borrow.
Undoubtedly, illuminated soul often feels alienated in the society which runs parallel to the contours of soul soothing sojourns, but it always lives a truly unique and meaningful life. Such souls persistently fight at two fronts. One, to persuade body that soul attains wisdom and intelligence, so it is impossible to go with the fragility of aging physique. Second, it continues the process of transformation to evolve than to pass the days. It walks through the rough gorges of uncertainties, apprehensions and unending miseries and reaches the heights of super soul status. Here, it doesn’t go with waves and winds and is not crushed by sorrows and sufferings nor is moved by ecstatic and exhilarating feelings. That is why an old but enlightened soul lives as an energetic, euphoric and independent soul despite being in an old body.
(The author is a regular columnist of Daily Rising Kashmir and can be reached at [email protected])