“Woe to thee, O the son of Eve! May you be perished for your ghastly offence! May thy hands be ruined which lacerated the bosom of your mother! May Allah (SWT) deprive you of His entire mercies and blessings! The maltreatment meted out to your mother is highly condemnable. You have stooped too low to exhibit your demoniac traits, O Ibni Adam! You have brought disgrace, ignominy and humiliation to the whole humanity. Angels are execrating and imprecating you for your relentless persecution caused to your altruistic mother. Broods are cursing you for the brutal act of savagery. Progenies are wailing before their mothers with their heads bowed down in shame. Mother cows have stopped to suckle their calves for your diabolical deed. Bleeding ‘mamta’ is mourning the massacre of motherhood. You have surpassed the beasts of the jungle to register atrocity and ferocity. You have robbed us all of the purest love and empathy! Your faculties to contemplate have exhausted completely. You have been dethroned from the chair of “Ashraful Makhlooqat”. Reads a goose bumping monologue by the blue sky. The firmament reprimanded, ridiculed and cursed the son of Rafiabad for his recent dastardly act of barbarism.
The son hasn’t stabbed his mother’s bosom alone, but has demolished the castle of trust which holds the sweetest human bond in its heart. 8.6 million Species are lamenting the death of the deceased mother of Rafiabad Baramulla. The mournful echoes are piercing our hearts as if daggers have been penetrated deep into our chests. The sky bursted into tears when it became witness to the gruesome murder of the mother. The mother earth split into fragments when the horrendous and fiendish act of the devilish son mortified the entire mankind with absolute obloquy. The cannibalistic son has mangled, mauled and tainted the fabric of humanity. The cowardly act has sent shockwaves among the people of all shades. Reverence of mother is vividly promulgated in different religious scriptures of the world. Islam has declared feet of the mother holier than the crown of the paradise. Mu’awiyah Bin Jahimah As-Sulami once approached the beloved Prophet (PBUH) and said, “I desire to go on a military expedition, and I have come to seek your advice.” The prophet (PBUH) replied, “Do you have a mother?” As-Sulami noded his head in anticipation and said yes. The beloved prophet (PBUH) asserted, ” Go home and stay with her .”
Satanic and barbaric incidents are rampantly on surge in our ‘Peer Waer’. A brother is eliminating a brother for a few inches of land, a friend is being butchered mercilessly for an illegitimate relationship with a girl, a father is not spared for scolding an awry and astray gone son, a traveler is strangulated for a handful of bucks, a spouse liquidates his/her own better half to fulfill the animal instincts. I mean, we have scooped below the level of “Asfala Saafileen”. Our fathers, forefathers and ancestors had set the best living standards for us, but we have chosen to worship our selfish and inhuman desires. Though we had been placed at the top of the animal hierarchy, but we have been constantly sliding down the hill. The animal in us has grown corpulent. We are mere beasts wearing human attire.
Sheer materialistic approach and outlook to live has silenced our inner voice called conscience. We have ceased to look at things through human and compassionate perspective. We weigh kinships and social associations through avaricious balances only. Sentiments, feelings and emotions have died out from our lives. Values and virtues which used to keep us steadfast on the path of salvation have gone extinct. Big degrees and modern education is serving no good to us. Evils and vices have enslaved us terribly. Once, we had a cherished legacy of beautiful value system, but, now, it is confined to books only. The depletion of values is sending shivers down the spine of every conscious and sensitive soul.
The disquiet of depleting values is immensely growing among our intelligentsia and intellectual class, and they are miserably worried about it. Our young people are bereft of patience, compassion and empathy. Crime graph is mounting inordinately among our young people. Crimes and transgressions are on rise. And ludicrously, people believe in chastisement as the only panacea. We need to nip the evil in the bud. A superficial medication can only delay the threat, but can’t expunge it. A stern punishment is not enough to eradicate the menace of growing intolerance in our society. Immoderate and unrestricted anger and rapaciousness in our youth is taking toll of our morals and ethics. Chastisement to the criminal can alleviate and ease out the pain of our ailing society, but can’t eliminate the malignancy.
We need to dig deeper into the deteriorating situation. We have failed to transpose values and virtues unto our progeny. Foundations of human societies are laid upon some core values, which become the bedrock for its continuity and sustenance. Ironically, we have eroded the value system consciously and unconsciously. Our teachers, imams, elders, parents, podiums and pulpits have failed to transmit the true mantra of life into our progeny. Mass introspection and contemplation is the need of the hour. Let’s all delve deep into our consciences to seek cure for the moral malady.
(Author is a Teacher and a Columnist. He can be reached at mushtaqhurra143@gmail.com)