Sringar, Apr 04 :Responding to the concerns of numerous parents seeking admission for their underage children, the Director of School Education Jammu (DSEJ) has approved a relaxation in the age requirement for admission to the first grade in the academic session of 2024-25.
In an official circular, the DSEJ acknowledged receiving multiple representations from parents, citing the denial of admission to their children in class 1st by schools due to their age being less than 6 years, as mandated by the National Education Policy 2020. This issue was also raised by certain schools.
Upon examination, it was recognized that strict enforcement of these provisions could result in some students losing an academic year, especially those who had already completed pre-primary schooling in the preceding year. Hence, the request for relaxation was deemed worthy of consideration.
While acknowledging the need for a gradual transition to align with the NEP, the circular emphasized the necessity of setting an upper age limit for relaxation. Accordingly, it was decided to gradually implement the NEP guidelines and relax the age criteria for admission to class 1st for the academic session 2024–25.
Furthermore, the DSEJ clarified that, as a one-time exception, students who would turn 6 years old within the next 6 months (i.e., by September 30, 2024) from the start of the academic session would be eligible for admission to the first grade in the academic session 2024–25.
The circular urged all concerned stakeholders to adhere to this decision and informed them that similar relaxations were being extended by other states as well. This move aims to alleviate the concerns of parents and ensure a smoother transition for students into the formal education system, in line with the evolving educational landscape.
DSEJ grants age relaxation for first grade admissions

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