The District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) Budgam under the aegis of NALSA and J&K State Legal Services Authority and on the directions of Khalil Ahmad Chowdhary (Chairman) DLSA Budgam today organized an awareness programme on Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) at ADR Centre District Court Complex, here.
The Awareness programme commenced with the address by Shahrooq Bhat, Deputy LADC DLSA Budgam, who threw light on the Alternate Dispute Redressal Mechanism and various facilities available at ADR Centre to disputing parties for amicable settlement through Lok Adalats, Pre Institution Litigation, Mediation, Reconciliation etc.
Resource person, Syed Shafat Hussain Panel Lawyer DLSA Budgam spoke about the Pre Litigation Stage of ADR Mechanism and elaborated on the benefits of getting disputes amicably resolved through the ADR Mechanism.
Among the other speakers, M Iqbal Wani, Javid Ahmad Mir (Panel Lawyers) of DLSA Budgam and Feroz Ahmad Khan and Nisar Ahmad (PLV) also spoke on the occasion and briefed the audience about the ADR Mechanism.
The participants included Staff Members of DLSA Budgam, Staff of LADC and Para Legal Volunteers (PLVs) of DLSA, Budgam/TLSCs Budgam.